A non-standard audit report is one that contains:
- a modified opinion; and/or
- an "emphasis of matter" or an "other matter" paragraph.
The auditors express a modified opinion because
- a misstatement about the treatment or disclosure of a matter in
the financial and/or non-financial information; or
- a limitation in scope because the appointed auditor has been
unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to support, and
accordingly is unable to express, an opinion on the financial
and/or non-financial information or a part of the financial and/or
non-financial information.
- There is fundamental uncertainties;
- There are cases of breaches of law; or
- There are concerns over probity or financial prudence.
- Auditor having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence
which concludes that misstatements, individually or in the
aggregate, are both material and pervasive to the financial and/or
non-financial information.