In: Anatomy and Physiology
Perception of Right Visual Field
Consider a situation in which an object is visible in your right visual field (to the right of "straight ahead").
Light from this object will stimulate receptor cells in the leftt half of each retina.
The impulses from this area of the retina travel via visual pathways to the visual cortex of the Left occipital Lobe
Thus, information regarding your right visual field is perceived by your Left visual cortex.
The right visual field maps onto the left hemisphere, and the left visual field maps onto the right hemisphere.left side of each eye gets the image from right visual field and sends neural signals to the left hemisphere. The right side of each eye gets the image from the left visual field and sends neural signals to the right hemisphere. Thus, both eyes take in parts of both visual fields.
Object in the Right Visual Field---------Stimulates Left side of Each Retina (that is Temporal Side of the Left Retina and Nasal side of the Right Reina)-------While passing the information through optic nerve,At Optic Chiasma Nasal Fibres Cross to Opposite Side and Temporal Fibres Pass through the same side,So Temporal fibres of left retina donot cross and send information to left Cerebral cortex but Nasal fibres coming from Right Retina crosses at optic chiasma and send information to Left Cerebral Cortex.
Thus, information regarding your right visual field is perceived by your Left visual cortex.