Cost distortion occurs when there is pricing error. This is due
to two reasons. These are
- Non volume related overhead costs are in large proportion in
comparison to total overheads
- When there is Product Diversity
Both these reasons are responsible for product cost
Dangers of Product Cost Distortion
- It would result in underpricing which in turn increase the
sales .Due to these pricing errors companies sometimes take the
decision for expanding their production . For increasing production
it may be possible that companies has to purchase the new machines
which in turn increase the price of the product and sales do not
increase as expected resulting in a loss to the company.
- It would result in overpricing of the product resulting in a
decrease in sales .When the sales of the product decreases company
might take a decision to discontinue the production
Therefore whether there is overpricing or underpricing, both are
harmful for the product.