
In: Computer Science

C++ Implement the following code: More Info added: Database: Generally, a user should instantiate a single...


Implement the following code:

More Info added:


Generally, a user should instantiate a single database object and work from there. The database object should include commands to do the following:

 You should allow a constructor function with no arguments (other constructors may be included if desired). This creates an “empty” database.

 An add table function that takes a single table object and a name, and adds that table to the database.

 A drop function that takes a table name and deletes it from the database

 * A save function that takes a file name and saves the database to that file (save format is entirely up to you).

 * A load function that takes in a file name and loads in a database from that file. Any existing database should be deleted.

 * A merge function that allows another database to be merged into that one.

 * A copy function that copies an entire database.

 A list table function that returns a list of all table names in the database

 A get tables function that returns all the tables in the database.

 A query function (described below, separately)

 * A delete command. The structure of the delete command should follow that of the query command, except that instead of returning a table, the table in the FROM portion has the appropriate tuples deleted.

 * An update/modify command. The modify command should take a table name, a WHERE clause (as in the query command), and a SET clause. The SET clause should be able to reference attributes of the table, and set them to values that are either a constant or (in the case integers and floats) a computed function on attribute values (from that table). The operations +, - , *, and / should be supported. Note that there are multiple ways to handle a returned list of names or the tables. For instance, you might use an array, or a vector, or you might return a set or some other container.

Note: Don't use map, please vectors only.


#include "database.h"



Database::Database(vector Tables){


//Add a table to the database

//Ownership of the table is permanently transferred to the database, and it will be destroyed when the database is destroyed.

//Throws an \a InvalidOperationError if \a name already exists in the database

//param name what to call the table in the database

void Database::add_Table(string table_name, Table tab){

//Remove a table from the database.

//The table is destroyed with 'delete' when this function is called.

//Throws a \a TableDoesNotExistError if \a name does not exist in the database.

//param name which table to remove from the database

//returns A pointer to the Table, which can now be destroyed

void Database::drop_Table(string table_name){



Save the database to a file,

Throws an \a IOError on failture.

\param filename the output fie

void Database::save(string filename){



Load a database from a file, this will clear any existing records

Throws an \a IOError on failture.

\param filename the input file

void Database::load(string filename){



Merge another database into this one.

Tables in this database are overwritten by tables in \a database.

\param database The database that you want to merge into this one.

void Database::merge(const Database& database){



Make a copy of this database

\returns a one-for-one copy / clone of this database

Database Database::copy(){


//Returns a list of all the tables currently in the database
vector Database::list_Tables(){


//Returns the table named *table_Name* in the database.

//Throws a \a TableDoesNotExistError if \a table_Name does not exist in the database

* Database::getTables(){


//Perform a query on the database

//Throws a \a TableDoesNotExistError if \a from does not exist.

//Throws a \a QuerySyntaxError if \a select or \a where have a syntax error.

\param select which columns to include in the returned Table

\param from which table to query from

\param where the conditions for the query from

\return A pointer to Table with all of the records that match the query

Table Database::query(string select, string from, string where){



Delete all records that match the query

Throws a \a TableDoesNotExistError if \a from does not exist.

Throws a \a QuerySyntaxError if \a where has a syntax error.

\param from which table to query from

\param where the conditions for the query to match

void Database::delete_From(string from, string where){



Must modify the records in table.

Throws a \a TableDoesNotExistError if \a table does not exist

Throws a \a QuerySyntaxError if \a where or \a set have a syntax error

\param table_name name of the table to update records in

\param where a SQL where clause to find records in the table

\param set a SQL set clause


void Database::update(string table_Name, string where, string set){




Expert Solution

#include "database.h"



Database::Database(vector Tables){


//Add a table to the database

//Ownership of the table is permanently transferred to the database, and it will be destroyed when the database is destroyed.

//Throws an \a InvalidOperationError if \a name already exists in the database

//param name what to call the table in the database

void Database::add_Table(string table_name, Table tab){

//Remove a table from the database.

//The table is destroyed with 'delete' when this function is called.

//Throws a \a TableDoesNotExistError if \a name does not exist in the database.

//param name which table to remove from the database

//returns A pointer to the Table, which can now be destroyed

void Database::drop_Table(string table_name){



Save the database to a file,

Throws an \a IOError on failture.

\param filename the output fie

void Database::save(string filename){



Load a database from a file, this will clear any existing records

Throws an \a IOError on failture.

\param filename the input file

void Database::load(string filename){



Merge another database into this one.

Tables in this database are overwritten by tables in \a database.

\param database The database that you want to merge into this one.

void Database::merge(const Database& database){



Make a copy of this database

\returns a one-for-one copy / clone of this database

Database Database::copy(){


//Returns a list of all the tables currently in the database
vector Database::list_Tables(){


//Returns the table named *table_Name* in the database.

//Throws a \a TableDoesNotExistError if \a table_Name does not exist in the database

* Database::getTables(){


//Perform a query on the database

//Throws a \a TableDoesNotExistError if \a from does not exist.

//Throws a \a QuerySyntaxError if \a select or \a where have a syntax error.

\param select which columns to include in the returned Table

\param from which table to query from

\param where the conditions for the query from

\return A pointer to Table with all of the records that match the query

Table Database::query(string select, string from, string where){



Delete all records that match the query

Throws a \a TableDoesNotExistError if \a from does not exist.

Throws a \a QuerySyntaxError if \a where has a syntax error.

\param from which table to query from

\param where the conditions for the query to match

void Database::delete_From(string from, string where){



Must modify the records in table.

Throws a \a TableDoesNotExistError if \a table does not exist

Throws a \a QuerySyntaxError if \a where or \a set have a syntax error

\param table_name name of the table to update records in

\param where a SQL where clause to find records in the table

\param set a SQL set clause


void Database::update(string table_Name, string where, string set){



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