
In: Statistics and Probability

Below is a table of the growth of the Corona Virus in USA and the requests...

Below is a table of the growth of the Corona Virus in USA and the requests for masks.

date corona cases #of masks req in millions
3/22/2020 32 2
3/23/2020 42 4
3/24/2020 52 8
3/25/2020 64 12
3/26/2020 81 20
3/27/2020 101 30
3/28/2020 121 40
3/29/2020 140 60
3/30/2020 160 90
3/31/2020 186 110
4/1/2020 212 120
4/2/2020 241 200
4/3/2020 273 300

Using causal with masks being the dependent variable. Generate a forecast for the number of masks requested based on the number of Corona cases in the USA. Use a linear regression line. Write the equation as y-hat = a + bx. X is the number of Corona cases and y-hat is the number of masks requested.

What is the value of "a"?

What is the value of "b" ? (Three decimals for both answer.)


Expert Solution

a = -62.179

b = 1.058

r   0.938
Std. Error   32.102
n   13
k   1
Dep. Var. #of masks req in millions
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 83,683.4375 1   83,683.4375 81.21 2.07E-06
Residual 11,335.6395 11   1,030.5127
Total 95,019.0769 12  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=11) p-value 95% lower 95% upper
Intercept -62.179
corona cases 1.058 0.1174 9.011 2.07E-06 0.7998 1.3167

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