
In: Psychology

quick answer The graphic images of diseased lungs and rotten teeth and gums that appear on...

quick answer

The graphic images of diseased lungs and rotten teeth and gums that appear on cigarette packages in Canada and Australia depend for their effectiveness on a learning mechanism called ______.

Select one:

a. classical conditioning

b. habituation

c. observational learning

d. operant conditioning

Ahmed is writing an article for a popular “life hacks” site. He is considering the title, “Denial, Distraction, and Daydreaming: The Three Ds of ______ Coping.”

Select one:

a. Avoidance

b. Problem-Focused

c. Reaction

d. Approach-Focused

Mature trees” are a selling point often seen in real estate ads. Based on the textbook’s discussion, is this a valid selling point?

Select one:

a. Not really. The value of mature trees is limited to their aesthetic appeal, and perhaps the future resale value of the home.

b. Only in a limited way. A tree canopy of 10% may buffer the stress experienced in low-income communities.

c. It could be, if there are enough trees. Tree cover can reduce depression, stress, and anxiety, but only if there is a 25% tree canopy.

d. Definitely. A tree canopy of 10% can reduce depression, stress, and anxiety among people of all income levels.

Research suggests that with respect to one’s health, having a dog ______.

Select one:

a. has no clear benefit

b. may save a person about one doctor visit per year

c. may save a person about two doctor visits per year

d. reduces 5-year mortality rate by half when one is older

The amount of time that doctors and nurses spend providing direct patient care is ______ correlated with the level of stress that they experience.

Select one:

a. negatively

b. not

c. positively

d. variably

A developmental health psychologist is comparing middle-aged and older-adults’ perceptions of health care options in her community. She is matching the adults on such variables as ethnicity, education, and SEs. The psychologist is conducting a(n) ______ using a ______ design.

Select one:

a. experiment; cross-sectional

b. quasi-experiment; longitudinal

c. quasi-experiment; cross-sectional

d. quasi-experiment; longitudinal

With respect to descriptive research methods, Sigmund Freud’s theory was built on a foundation of ______ data.

Select one:

a. archival research

b. case study

c. survey

d. cross-sectional

Lorena suffers from major depressive disorder. All else being equal, Lorena’s chances of experiencing a cardiac event are increased by ______. She ______ reduce this risk if she exercises extensively.

Select one:

a. 15%; can

b. 15%; cannot

c. 30%; can

d. 30%; cannot

Holmes and Rahe’s Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) measures ______.

Select one:

a. the severity of PTSD

b. major life events

c. appraisal strategies

d. locus of control

In an experiment, the factor under consideration as a potential cause is generally the ______ variable.

Select one:

a. dependent

b. randomized

c. independent

d. control

Inaccurate reporting, constrained response options, and leading questions are all potential drawbacks of ______.

Select one:

a. naturalistic observation

b. experiments

c. case studies

d. surveys

With respect to the scientific method, the statistics courses that undergraduate psychology degree programs usually require are MOST relevant to the step of ______.

Select one:

a. analyzing data

b. developing a theory

c. proposing a hypothesis

d. revising a theory

Anjelica has always been a bit of “control freak” and “micro-manager” who wants to know everything, all the time. The same is true for her impending surgery. Based on the textbook’s discussion of tailored health-promotion messages, Anjelica is MOST likely to benefit from a(n) ______ intervention to manage the pain related to her procedure.

Select one:

a. emotion-focused

b. gain-framed

c. loss-framed

d. problem-focused

The portrayal of the likely success of such procedures as CPR on television medical dramas is BEST described as ______.

Select one:

a. too pessimistic

b. realistic

c. slightly optimistic

d. very optimistic

Jenny is a member of Narcotics Anonymous. Her sponsor stresses the importance of regular meeting attendance and continued step work to build clean time and to prevent a relapse. With respect to the stages of change model, this advice is aimed at supporting the ______ stage.

Select one:

a. maintenance

b. action

c. pre-contemplation

d. contemplation

Which individual is the BEST example of a Type A personality?

Select one:

a. Bonnie, a relaxed, fun-loving professor

b. Susan, a brilliant, self-confident accountant

c. Andrew, a competitive, easily angered journalist

d. Clay, a reflective, open-minded artist

Simon is faced with an overwhelming workload. Using problem-focused coping, Simon ______.

Select one:

a. meditates

b. binge drinks

c. gets a deadline extended

d. goes to a movie

Dr. Navarre investigates the link between coping strategies and immune system functioning during stressful situations. Dr. Navarre is BEST described as a ______.

Select one:

a. psychoneuroimmunologist

b. medical psychology

c. psychophysiologist

d. neuropsychologist


Expert Solution

  • The graphic images of diseased lungs and rotten teeth and gums that appear on cigarette packages in Canada and Australia depend for their effectiveness on a learning mechanism called OPERANT CONDITIONING.
  • Ahmed is writing an article for a popular “life hacks” site. He is considering the title, “Denial, Distraction, and Daydreaming: The Three Ds of AVOIDANCE Coping.
  • With respect to descriptive research methods, Sigmund Freud’s theory was built on a foundation of case study data.
  • Holmes and Rahe’s Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) measures major life events.
  • In an experiment, the factor under consideration as a potential cause is generally the independent variable.
  • Inaccurate reporting, constrained response options, and leading questions are all potential drawbacks of surveys.
  • Due to time limit,only some can be answered by the expert,remaining can be asked as another question,they will be answered,thankyou for your cooperation.

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