
In: Operations Management

Demonstrate how data from an IoT device can be transformed into information and business intelligence.

Demonstrate how data from an IoT device can be transformed into information and business intelligence.


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Data are in raw format and that has to be converted to useful information through proper data sensing, crunching and cleansing . Information processing is the important steps in any IoT device.

Depending on the architecture, this data can be preprocessed and then sent to a data store located in the field, eg: gateway.It can be explained well using the 4 stage architecture of converting IoT data to useful information and business intelligence

The first stage is senors who colect the data ( for eg telematics data ).and in the second stage storage and data aggregation will happen which filter based on the required information. Third stage is Edge IT which actually create more analytical backgroudn to the data and provide visualisation support.The last stage is more of business intelligent platform which mosltly cloud based

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