
In: Computer Science

MATLAB Given a 20x20 matrix named G and a 20x1 vector named H, multiply the elements...


Given a 20x20 matrix named G and a 20x1 vector named H, multiply the elements in the 14th column of G by the values in H (element-by-element multiplication, not a multiplication table).


Expert Solution


function result = doIt(G, H)
    for i = 1:20
        G(i, 14) *= H(1,14); 
    result = G;

G = randi([1 9], [20 20])
H = randi([1 9], [1 20])
result = doIt(G, H)


G =

   1   9   6   5   7   3   6   1   3   9   3   9   2   3   6   8   3   5   2   6
   7   1   8   4   8   3   3   5   8   3   1   6   3   6   7   1   5   4   7   9
   9   8   4   8   4   2   2   2   4   2   3   2   2   7   8   7   5   6   8   6
   1   1   2   6   1   3   1   2   5   9   3   9   2   6   1   6   6   8   5   5
   7   4   5   7   9   1   3   1   7   5   7   5   5   8   3   8   5   2   7   3
   8   7   8   7   3   8   3   6   1   6   9   1   2   3   8   2   2   8   3   4
   5   5   5   7   7   6   4   2   3   6   8   6   7   5   7   9   9   8   2   9
   1   9   1   8   1   2   3   3   3   6   1   3   6   5   1   4   1   5   2   5
   1   5   6   1   8   7   8   4   4   6   2   5   6   8   4   6   7   4   7   3
   7   3   4   4   2   2   4   2   4   3   7   5   5   3   8   7   2   1   1   2
   5   1   8   8   8   3   5   5   8   1   8   9   8   7   3   3   3   8   6   3
   1   9   5   9   3   6   6   8   9   1   2   3   9   1   8   5   9   4   7   9
   3   5   9   5   9   2   4   3   6   3   2   8   2   5   6   3   6   8   2   5
   9   1   4   7   2   4   9   9   9   7   4   7   5   6   1   2   3   6   5   7
   7   2   2   7   8   4   3   8   5   6   6   5   9   5   3   4   5   1   3   6
   9   2   2   1   4   9   1   1   6   1   9   5   7   6   6   9   6   8   7   3
   8   1   5   1   1   7   5   3   5   6   7   9   4   2   2   3   1   6   3   3
   6   8   8   8   5   4   1   6   6   8   9   7   7   1   8   4   9   8   7   3
   9   3   5   1   2   2   9   6   9   5   1   6   6   4   9   4   6   6   1   9
   9   1   6   5   4   1   7   6   5   1   4   5   6   1   7   6   4   6   8   8

H =

   8   2   7   4   6   1   3   2   6   3   2   7   5   4   3   4   9   7   5   1

result =

 Columns 1 through 16:

    1    9    6    5    7    3    6    1    3    9    3    9    2   12    6    8
    7    1    8    4    8    3    3    5    8    3    1    6    3   24    7    1
    9    8    4    8    4    2    2    2    4    2    3    2    2   28    8    7
    1    1    2    6    1    3    1    2    5    9    3    9    2   24    1    6
    7    4    5    7    9    1    3    1    7    5    7    5    5   32    3    8
    8    7    8    7    3    8    3    6    1    6    9    1    2   12    8    2
    5    5    5    7    7    6    4    2    3    6    8    6    7   20    7    9
    1    9    1    8    1    2    3    3    3    6    1    3    6   20    1    4
    1    5    6    1    8    7    8    4    4    6    2    5    6   32    4    6
    7    3    4    4    2    2    4    2    4    3    7    5    5   12    8    7
    5    1    8    8    8    3    5    5    8    1    8    9    8   28    3    3
    1    9    5    9    3    6    6    8    9    1    2    3    9    4    8    5
    3    5    9    5    9    2    4    3    6    3    2    8    2   20    6    3
    9    1    4    7    2    4    9    9    9    7    4    7    5   24    1    2
    7    2    2    7    8    4    3    8    5    6    6    5    9   20    3    4
    9    2    2    1    4    9    1    1    6    1    9    5    7   24    6    9
    8    1    5    1    1    7    5    3    5    6    7    9    4    8    2    3
    6    8    8    8    5    4    1    6    6    8    9    7    7    4    8    4
    9    3    5    1    2    2    9    6    9    5    1    6    6   16    9    4
    9    1    6    5    4    1    7    6    5    1    4    5    6    4    7    6

 Columns 17 through 20:

    3    5    2    6
    5    4    7    9
    5    6    8    6
    6    8    5    5
    5    2    7    3
    2    8    3    4
    9    8    2    9
    1    5    2    5
    7    4    7    3
    2    1    1    2
    3    8    6    3
    9    4    7    9
    6    8    2    5
    3    6    5    7
    5    1    3    6
    6    8    7    3
    1    6    3    3
    9    8    7    3
    6    6    1    9
    4    6    8    8

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