
In: Computer Science

sing arrays please write a program to implement the STACK concept after creating the Array, the...

sing arrays please write a program to implement the STACK concept

after creating the Array, the user is to be presented with a menu to choose from a number of options such as pop, push, top, etc...

elements to be added on the stack are ints between 0 and 99

include a loop to re display the options (menu)

and an outer loop to restart the program

Write a C++ program to implement the Stacks concept.

the stack implementation is to perform the following operations


Push (s,i)




Extra option to display the entire stack()

when the user runs the program he should be presented with the following menu

Stack is empty


1: Create a new stack

2: Push a value

3: Pop the value

4: Display the top value

5: Purge the stack

6: Display the whole stack

0: Exit the program


1) design puse (pseudocode)

2) source code (cpp file)

3) an output of ALLLLL scenarios  


Expert Solution

Here is the program:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void create_Stack (int s[], int &i) {
    i = 0;

void Push (int s[], int &i) {
    if (i == 100)
        cout << "Stack full, cannot push any more onto stack.\n";
    else {
        cout << "Please enter integer to push on stack: ";
        cin >> s [i++];

void Pop (int s[], int &i) {
    if (i == 0)
        cout << "No elements in stack to pop.\n";
        cout << "Popped from stack: " << s [--i] << endl;

void Top (int s[], int &i) {
    if (i == 0)
        cout << "No elements in stack.\n";
        cout << "Element at top of stack is: " << s [i - 1] << endl;

void Purge (int s[], int &i) {
    i = 0;
    cout << "Stack contents purged, stack now empty.\n";

void Display (int s     [], int &i) {
    cout << "Stack contents: ";
    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
        cout  << s[j] << " " << endl;

int main()
    int myStack[100], depth = 0, choice = -1;
    char onceMore;

    do {
        create_Stack (myStack, depth);

        while (choice != 0) {
            cout<<" (1):Create a new stack\n ";
            cout<<"(2):Push a value\n ";
            cout<<"(3):Pop the value\n ";
            cout<<"(4):Display the top value\n ";
            cout<<"(5):Purge the stack\n ";
            cout<<"(6):Display the whole stack\n ";
            cout<<"(0):Exit\n ";
            cout<<"Please enter your choice: ";
            cin >> choice;
            switch (choice) {
                case 1:
                    create_Stack (myStack, depth);
                case 2:
                    Push (myStack, depth);
                case 3:
                    Pop (myStack, depth);
                case 4:
                    Top (myStack, depth);
                case 5:
                    Purge (myStack, depth);
                case 6:
                    Display (myStack, depth);
        cout << "Restart the stack program? (y/n):";
        cin >> onceMore;
        choice = -1;
    } while (onceMore == 'y');
    return 0;

Here is sample output:

 (1):Create a new stack
 (2):Push a value
 (3):Pop the value
 (4):Display the top value
 (5):Purge the stack
 (6):Display the whole stack
 Please enter your choice: 1
 (1):Create a new stack
 (2):Push a value
 (3):Pop the value
 (4):Display the top value
 (5):Purge the stack
 (6):Display the whole stack
 Please enter your choice: 2
Please enter integer to push on stack: 23
 (1):Create a new stack
 (2):Push a value
 (3):Pop the value
 (4):Display the top value
 (5):Purge the stack
 (6):Display the whole stack
 Please enter your choice: 2
Please enter integer to push on stack: 45
 (1):Create a new stack
 (2):Push a value
 (3):Pop the value
 (4):Display the top value
 (5):Purge the stack
 (6):Display the whole stack
 Please enter your choice: 4
Element at top of stack is: 45
 (1):Create a new stack
 (2):Push a value
 (3):Pop the value
 (4):Display the top value
 (5):Purge the stack
 (6):Display the whole stack
 Please enter your choice: 6
Stack contents: 23 
 (1):Create a new stack
 (2):Push a value
 (3):Pop the value
 (4):Display the top value
 (5):Purge the stack
 (6):Display the whole stack
 Please enter your choice: 2
Please enter integer to push on stack: 23
 (1):Create a new stack
 (2):Push a value
 (3):Pop the value
 (4):Display the top value
 (5):Purge the stack
 (6):Display the whole stack
 Please enter your choice: 2
Please enter integer to push on stack: 66
 (1):Create a new stack
 (2):Push a value
 (3):Pop the value
 (4):Display the top value
 (5):Purge the stack
 (6):Display the whole stack
 Please enter your choice: 6
Stack contents: 23 
 (1):Create a new stack
 (2):Push a value
 (3):Pop the value
 (4):Display the top value
 (5):Purge the stack
 (6):Display the whole stack
 Please enter your choice: 5
Stack contents purged, stack now empty.
 (1):Create a new stack
 (2):Push a value
 (3):Pop the value
 (4):Display the top value
 (5):Purge the stack
 (6):Display the whole stack
 Please enter your choice: 0
Restart the stack program? (y/n):n

Pseudo code:

Pseudo code:
while user wants to continue to use:
   Create a new stack
   while user wants to perform operations on the stack:
       Present menu options to user
       Based on menu options, call Pop, Push, Display, Top, Purge functions
       Display output corresponding to the actions

   If stack is not empty:
       Remove top element and reduce stack size
   If stack is not full:
       Add new element at top and increase stack size

   Iterate through stack to show all elements
   Display top element on stack

   Remove all elements on stack
   Reduce size of stack to zero

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