
In: Computer Science

Write a function named "check_matrix" which takes two matrices as parameters and returns 1 if the...

Write a function named "check_matrix" which takes two matrices as parameters and returns 1 if the matrices are same or 0 otherwise. Set appropriate parameters and return type if necessary.


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Since you have not mentioned the programming language, I have provided the answer in C++.
If you want answer in different programming language, then let me know in comment section.

Please look at my code and in case of indentation issues check the screenshots.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define max 1000

//this function takes two matrices and their dimensions as input
//returns 1 is matrices are same
//returns 0 if otherwise
int check_matrix(int matrix1[][max], int m1, int n1, int matrix2[][max], int m2, int n2)
   if(m1!= m2 || n1!=n2)   //check if dimensions of both matrices are different
       return 0;           //return 0 if dimensions are different

   for(int i = 0; i < m1; i++){   //loop through every row
       for(int j = 0; j < n1; j++){   //loop through every column
           if(matrix1[i][j] != matrix2[i][j])   //if any element at same position mismatches, then return 0
               return 0;                  
   return 1;   //return 1 if all elements matched

int main()
   int m1, n1;   //read dimensions of matrix 1
   cout << "Enter number of rows in matrix 1: ";
   cin >> m1;
   cout << "Enter number of columns in matrix 1: ";
   cin >> n1;

   int matrix1[m1][max];   //declare matrix 1
   for(int i = 0; i < m1; i++){
       cout << "Enter row " << i+1 << " of matrix 1: ";
       for(int j = 0; j < n1; j++){
           cin >> matrix1[i][j];       //read matrix 1

   cout << "\nThe matrix 1 is: \n";
   for(int i = 0; i < m1; i++){
       for(int j = 0; j < n1; j++){
           cout<< matrix1[i][j] << " ";   //print matrix 1
       cout << endl;

   int m2, n2;   //read dimensions of matrix 1
   cout << "\n\nEnter number of rows in matrix 2: ";
   cin >> m2;
   cout << "Enter number of columns in matrix 2: ";
   cin >> n2;

   int matrix2[m2][max];   //declare matrix 2
   for(int i = 0; i < m2; i++){
       cout << "Enter row " << i+1 << " of matrix 2: ";
       for(int j = 0; j < n2; j++){
           cin >> matrix2[i][j];   //read matrix 2
   cout << "\nThe matrix 2 is: \n";
   for(int i = 0; i < m2; i++){
       for(int j = 0; j < n2; j++){
           cout<< matrix2[i][j] << " ";   //print matrix 2
       cout << endl;

   int val = check_matrix(matrix1, m1, n1, matrix2, m2, n2);   //check if matrices are same
   if(val == 1)                                               //if return value is 1, they are same
       cout << "\nmatrix 1 and matrix 2 are same" << endl;
   else                                                        //if return value is 0, they are different
       cout << "\nmatrix 1 and matrix 2 are different" << endl;
   return 0;




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