First, let us understand what is business rules are the rules
that serve to define or restrict some action in the processes of
your company.

The business rules applied during the book purchase process are
as follows:
- A book can be bought on an online store like Amazon and add it
to the cart.
- Next, the customer provides a shipping address to place an
- The purchase can be paid for with a debit card or UPI or cash
on delivery.
- The accepted order must be confirmed with a message sent to the
customer’s email containing Greeting, Title name, Quantity, Price,
Delivery channel, Expected delivery time.
By making system definition we can:
- Provide greater process control: to possess established rules,
it'll be easier to note errors and mixed activities and fix them
swiftly. you'll have more control over the foremost relevant
- Strengthen strategies: bring more efficiency within the
implementation of strategic getting to consider company policies,
goals set, and strengthen processes to realize them.
- Reduce costs: monitor rules that take into consideration your
income and goals to avoid losses.
- Assist in decision making: It’s clear the very definition of
what a business rule is, is that they assist to make sure that the
choices a corporation takes are within the standards it