In: Computer Science
List the components of a formal specification language in software engineering and describe their roles in detail.
A majority formal methods rely on some well-known, or cafully
des igned,
mathematical foundations such as typed set theory (Z), logic of
partial fun ctions (VDM),
many-sorted first-order logic <IOTA, OBJ), initial algebras
(Larch) and the like . Other
techniques adopt a less formal approach, their main objective being
the possibility to
use the specification lan guage as some kind of high-level
programming language which
may be executed directly (i.e., after interpretation or
compilation). A number of such
languages have been proposed, some of them not even attempting fo
rmal verification.
Languages of this kind are often used for rapid prototyping in
order to demonstrate
t he be havior of t he specifi ed system; such prototypes are
usually discarded in favor of
full -fledged applications . This group of languages will not be
covered in this paper.
From the mathematical point of view, specificat ionts) corresponds
to lan guage
modulets ), and execut ing the specificat ion means that we are
able to prove
mechanical ly certain kinds of formulas of the theory defined by
the speci fi cat ion .
In ot her words. one approach to executability follows the
philosophy of stepwise
refinement, and implements one specification with anot he r, more
detailed one. Each
successive level of specification contains more design decisions
made, until eventually a
specification is obtained which is sufficiently detailed to be
considered a program. An
outstanding example of the refinement phi losophy is the Ina J o
specification method.
More often, however, executability is taken in the se nse that an
procedure exists for t ransforming specificat ions into executable
programs, without
intermediate refinement ste ps. This transformation may then be
mechanically, using an Interpreter or a compil er . Interpreters
and/or compilers exist for
a small number of met hods only; often they implement only a subset
of the language.
A hybrid approach is exemplified by the two-tiered Larch
specifications, where
specifications are first written in an implementat ion-independe
nt, shared language.
These specifications are the implemen ted with more detailed
specifications 'Written in
an implemen tation-specific lan guage, closely corresponding to the
language which will be used for actual coding.
It should be noted that most specificat ion languages emphasize
brevity and
clarity rather than executebility. This facilitates both 'Writing
specifications and their
mechanical verification, usually with the aid of a manual,
user-assisted, or partially
automated theorem prover (fully automated provers are not yet
The amount of information which must be maintained in today 's
large-scale software project s necessitat es the use of automated
assistence, e.g., syntaxdirected
editors, code management techniques, version cont rol systems ,
etc. Note that
t he large amount of information is also the main reason for the
inability of classical
structured methodologies to deal successfully with such software
projects. Although
form al methods reduce the quantity of information to be handled,
at least in the early
design stages, they would certainly benefit from having some form
of machine support.
As most formal methods utilize some nonstandard symbols, a
documentation system may be considered a conditio sine qua non,
although this need is
easily fulfilled by modern word-processing software and typesetting
systems. The aid of
a syntax-directed editor is almost a necessity, and the next level
of support could
involve sophist icated syntactic and semantic checkers, in which
knowledge of both
aspects of the specificat ion language used would be embodied.
Theorem provers are
used for verification, eit her manual or with some degree of user
interactive guidance.
Finally, code generato rs transform the specificat ions into
executable code. At present,
most formal methods have only limited machine assistance, up to the
level of theorem
proving, while only a few are supported by code gene rato rs.
However, one may "benefit
from the use of fo rmal methods without the use of sophist icated
support tools. The
advantages of formality are too significant to await the
development of a fully
supported method" .
As always, the integration and interoperability of these tools play
a crucial role
in their effectiveness. If tools are designed separate ly, without
proper communication
mechanisms built-in right from the start, their usability will be
significan tly reduced.
An integrated design environment should be equipped with dedicated
for performing various tasks . A simple collection of tools is hot
enough: for maximum
effecti veness good coordina tion should exist among various tools
, and the tran sition
between tasks should be smooth. Only then will the designer be
freed of most , if not all,
housekeeping fun ctions, so that she/he can concentrate on specifi
cation. An ideal des ign
environment should support all activities in each phase of software
design ; an
interesting attempt in that direction is described by Blum .
Support and coordination for team development is also a very
important issue,
given the size and complexity of even modest projects today. This
includes mostly
version control, and (to a lesser exte nt ) some support for
multiuser operation. Fonnal
specifications are still designed by rather small teams, hence the
usual problems of
concurrency, recovery and the like are not too significant .
Reusability is one of the key issues in all modern software
methodologies, and formal methods are no exception. Libraries of
constructs, describing commonly used modules (whatever they may be
called in any
particular language) enable the specifier to concentrate on the
particularities of the
system being modeled - without having to reinvent the wheel each
time. Moreover, as
specificat ions found in these libraries are usually written by the
aut hors of the
language themselves, they are usually well designed and thoroughly
tested. The
specifier may use them as examples of good style, after which
her/his 0 w'0 specificat ions
may be patterned. This is often hard to find in classical software
systems, since most of
the code written by experienced programmers is copyrighted and
unavailable, while
textbooks contain mostly toy codes, unfit for real- size projects .
It should be noted
that a number of quite good formal libraries exist, but the
organizations which have
these are unwilling to make them widely available because of
commerci al reasons .
Specification languages may be classified according to different
characteris tics.
One of the classification criteria, and possibly the most important
one, is based on the
mathematical foundation of these methods. According to this
criterio n, we may
discriminate between model - and property -oriented languages .
languages provide a twofold description of system behavior: first,
the data structures
(such as strings, numbers, sets, tuples, relations, sequences, etc)
that const it ute the
sys tem state are described. Then, the operations that manipulate
that state are defined
using assertions in a notation similar to first-order predicate
calculus. These languages
are sometimes called constructive, and they include Z, YOM,
Milner's CCS, Hoare's
esp, and others.
Property-oriented methods define the system in terms of properties
that must
be satisfied in some or all of the system states. The latter
include the so-called
axi omatic approaches, such as those embodied in specification
languages IOTA, OBJ,
Larch, and Anna, as well as the so-called algebraic approaches,
e.g., the one used in
LOTOS. However, the data structures are described here as well, the
most common
being sets, lists, sequences, and other structures with a
straightforward mathematical
interpretation. The desired set of properties is usually expressed
as a set of equations.
Equations may be interpreted as directional rewrite rules, which
may be used to
simplify a statement by reducing it to some canonical form. Term
rewriting is one of
the most important research directions in connection with formal
methods, as
witnessed by several conferences and special journal issues.
In another classification, the distinction is made between
specificat ions that
8-1 V. B. MiSic, D. Velasevit I Formal Specifications in Software
Developmen t
concentrate on internal structure of specificand objects <st
ructu ral specifications), and
those that predominantly describe the observable behavior of these
objects (be havioral
specifications). However. st ructural specifications often include
some not ions of
specificand behavior, and vice versa, thus blurring the distinction
betwee n the two
kinds of specifications.
As specification methods deal with large systems and data st
ructures of
appropriate size and complexity, support for speci fication
modulari zation and
st ructuring is essenti al. Some rather popular formal methods
provide no such support,
or a limited amount only (as is the case with Z and VDM). This is
often considered to be
their mai n defficiency, and extensions aimed to correct it have
been reported, e.g., in
[38, 30). Most other methods have some provisio ns for
modularization, usually in the
fonn of one or more of the so-called specification-building
operators. In its simplest
form, one specification can import another one as a
subspecification, enriching it with
additional sorts and operators. The entire model is organized then
in the form of a
hierarchy (or , more generally, a directed, acyclic graph) of
specificat ions . This is
somewhat similar to the inheritance mechanism of object-oriented
languages. Other
met hods provide more sophisticated mechanisms for importing
subspecifications ,
offe ring the possibility to redefine some of its sorts, or further
constrai n their behavior
by redefining some of the applicable operators.
Another important mechanism is that of parameterization, "a process
encapsulating a piece of software and abstracting from some names
occuring in it . in
order to repl ace them in ot her contexts by different actual
operato rs" . Together
with structuring and modularization support, parameterization frees
the designer from
reinvent ing standard specifications, letting he rlhim concentrate
on the particulars of
the problem at hand. As is the case with other software compone
nts, standard
specifications may be distributed in the form of libraries, thus
promot ing reusability.
Such libraries are sti ll not available for most specification
techniques presented here;
instead, the specifier must resort to case studies and introductory
or reference texts,
whatever is available.
Most specificat ion lan guages contain only declarations an d
equations ; if
imperative andlor applicative style statements are included as
well, the language is
considered to be a wide-spectrum one .
A number of languages concentrate on functional properties of the
syst em
being modeled. while dynamic concepts (e.g., concurrency, real-
time behavior,
reliability, security, performance), cannot be easily accounted for
in these
specifications. Other languages have been specifically designed for
systems in which the
dynamic component is crucial. Most of t hese are based on some exte
nsion of the finite
state machine concept; among the most distinguished are the
well-known CCS and CSP
formalisms, as well as a class of languages specialized for
telecommunication systems,
such as LOTOS. Estelle and SOL . We should also ment ion Petri
Nets, known
s ince the late 19605, and their numerous variations . Petri Nets
have been a
particularly success ful formalism for real-time system
specification and analysis, as
exemplified in both research and industrial projects . They have
been coupled with ot he r
formal notations in order to extend versatility to a wider class of
systems .
Instead of gnlng a completely new language, some researchers
have been
extending languages of the former group to incorporate some dynamic
Examples of such an approach (which we might call evolutive) are
exte nsions of the Ina
Jo language with tempo. ' logic , and the Maude lan guage, which
contains OBJ3 as
a fu nctional sublanguage I incorporates some novel concurrency
concepts .
In other words , these languages may be considered attempts to
get the best of both worlds
by augmenting already existing specifica tion languages with the
desi red properties .
These issues are still new and more experience needs to be gathered
before some
definitive conclusions can be made; it seems a promising avenue
anyway, and important
results are to be expected.