In: Computer Science
SQL code
Create entities (tables) to represent the following ternary relationship. Note that we are not storing all the required information in these entities to simplify it. The underlined attributes are the primary keys. Don’t forget to set the constraints for primary and foreign keys:
•A student entity ( bannerId, first name, last name, date of birth)
•A course entity ( crnNumber, course name, # of credits)
•An examination entity ( examId, exam_type, exam_date). (exam types can be “Midterm”, “Final”, “Exam_1”, “Exam_2”, etc)
•A StudentExamGrade entity ( bannerId, crnNumber, examId, grade)
2. Insert 4 students, 3 exams_table, 6 courses.
3. Insert for each student 2 ex_am_ grades for 2 different courses.
4. Run a SQL query to view all the data inserted in all 4 tables created.
create table students (bannerID int NOT NULL PRMARY KEY, firstname varchar(15), lastname varchar(15), dateofbirth DATE);
create table courses(crnNumber int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, coursename varchar(20), ofcredits int);
create table exams (examId int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, exam_type varchar (15), exam_date DATE);
StudentExamGrade TABLE:
create table StudentExamGrade(bannerId int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES students(bannerID), crnNumber int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES courses(crnNumber), examId int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES exams(examId), grade CHAR(3));
Insertion in student table:
Insert into students values ('3161116', 'dee', 'sree', '1999-12-28');
Insert into students values ('3161117', 'meen', 'tkon', '1999-11-18');
Insert into students values ('3161118', 'balvee', 'chow', '1998-10-26');
Insert into students values ('3161119', 'vitvar', 'dant', '1998-12-22');
Insertion into course table:
Insert into courses values ('12301', 'Ethics', '10');
Insert into courses values ('12302', 'DLD', '10');
Insert into courses values ('12303', 'Robotics', '10');
Insert into courses values ('12304', 'DataStructures', '10');
Insert into courses values ('12305', 'BigData', '10');
Insert into courses values ('12306', 'Thermodynamics', '10');
Insertion into Examination table:
Insert into exams values ('101', 'Midterm', '2020-10-29');
Insert into exams values ('112', 'Fina;', '2020-11-30');
Insert into exams values ('201', 'Exam_1', '2020-10-30');
Insertion into StudentExamGrade table:
Insert into StudentExamGrade values ('3161116', '12302', '101', 'A');
Insert into StudentExamGrade values ('3161116', '12303', '101', 'B');
Insert into StudentExamGrade values ('3161117', '12302', '112', 'A');
Insert into StudentExamGrade values ('3161117', '12301', '101', 'A');
Insert into StudentExamGrade values ('3161118', '12304', '101', 'B');
Insert into StudentExamGrade values ('3161118', '12305', '201', 'C');
Insert into StudentExamGrade values ('3161116', '12303', '101', 'D');
Insert into StudentExamGrade values ('3161116', '12306', '101', 'A');
SQL query to view all the data inserted in all 4 tables created:
All the above queries will excute properly. I have followed every instruction and answered the given question
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