
In: Electrical Engineering

An old saying is “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Restate this...

An old saying is “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Restate this maxim in terms of the SI unit newton. (10 points)


Expert Solution

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”

This saying is absolutely true w.r.t many scenarios and especially obtained its fame in the medical field.

When it comes to scientific field, the same maxim has been applied to many & many theories as a safe measurement that should be taken into terms before accepting it world-wide with all the possibilities of acceptance.

In that aspect, the following description would make sense with this statement (maxim) that was restated in terms of SI unit ‘Newton’. Please understand the underlined concept from the following.

One should lay basics for something great to happen on this Earth (Universe). In the similar way, Kepler's elliptical orbits have given “Issac Newton” to explain clearly & derive the three laws of Motion.

  • Newton given the conclusion that “the moon has to continuously fell into its own path around the earth and that is due to acceleration due to gravity henceforth producing its orbit. Thus, the orbit of moon was nothing but the same nature exactly.

Utilizing Kepler’s third law, he has realized & derived the mass of sun is playing the crucial role and it must be a factor too. So, he then taken the constants to describe the mass of sun. Gravitational force is directly proportional to the masses & must be inversely proportional to its square of their own distance ‘R’. This is not restricted only to Sun and planets but also to any two masses. Finally derived three laws of motion which are basis for classical mechanics.

1.A body continues in a state of rest, or motion with a constant velocity, unless otherwise accompanied by a force to get the change in its motion.

2.Acceleration of any object is directly proportional to net force and inversely proportional to its mass. F = ma, where F = Net force, m = Mass of the object, and a = Acceleration of object = the time rate of change of the velocity. Here, the direction of acceleration is in the direction of net force.

3.For every action (applied force), there is an equal and opposite reaction (force)

In Newton’s physics, the same universal laws govern both celestial bodies and earthly bodies.

When it comes to restate these statements in order to make sense for the old saying defined before “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, we need to understand the below description carefully that can be aligned with the same concepts.

Usually ‘Progress’ is always better goal than anything like stability because that persistent effort will give the progress work a grand success at the end. For example, when workers displaced with AI technology, the labor will get an impact definitely. Then it is the time to decide between short term persistent stability VS long term gain for a specified period of time. These will be seen as two important features ultimately.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure—in that providing retraining services initially can help to prevent economic disruption. Poverty will never be an easy outcome, and resources are well spent in leaning towards prosperity. Hence a proactive view is called for. Protection for Robots Protections for machines that exhibit functional autonomy should be put in place. This is where AI Technology came into picture and thus Robots.

Robot ethics can be compared to Newton’s three laws of motion as below.

1. Robot may or may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. Robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

So, from these statements the old saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure “makes lot of sense while it comes to safety of anything that was derived/created/used. All the above mentioned statements that are given by Newton can be given within SI units when all the constants or Force, Mass values are obtained w.r.t any scenario/example.

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