Given the arguments about how the public sector is different
than the private sector, is it fair for people to complain about
government being slow compared to private firms? Remember to draw
on your readings and the lecture to support your thoughts.
Although, accountability in public administration is different from
accountability in the private sector, yet, an increasing number of
public services are being contracted to private sector
organizations. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
awarding public sector services to private sector organizations,
instead of allowing public agencies to perform them?
1.what is Pension accounting issues in the private vs.
public sector
2. what is the Accounting for works of art and historical treasures
in fund and government-wide statements when purchased and received
as gifts
3. what is the Depreciation rules for works of art and historical
4.what is Accounting for infrastructure assets in fund and
government-wide financial statements
5. what is Depreciation rules for infrastructure assets