In: Economics
2.Normally inflation causes currency depreciation,but in some cases inflation leads to currency appreciation,currency appreciation reduce price level the reason is import become cheaper to home country and price reduction also leads to reduce inflation.And the economy is growing fast currency helps to reduce inflation.AUD appreciate because of australias terms of trade,high exchange rate on trade-exposed sector of the economy.
3.period1 (a) Pre-recession collapse (post-keynesian),the financial sector played a dominant role,capital flows drove foreign exchange rate,tremendous volality,currency price swings were clearly excessive,exchange rate fluctuations contributes to sluggish recovery. And 28 percent of dollar depreciate in this periode. (b) post recession cllapse- market had been anti-euro to an even extend , market believe that economic indicator in the us continue to negative, federal reserve actually lead to dollar depreciation , rate overshooting is the high level of volatility in exchange rate,this model was first introduced by Rudiger Dorn busch, and his assumption was sticky prices ,today sticky prices are used in emperical economic obsevation
Harvey develope overshooting model as Graphical post keynesian model , that is based on keynes Z-D diagram ,endogenous money , a currency market driven by protfolio capital flows.i personally prefer harvey model of over shooting because which is consolidate all model .They are useful to new situation.