
In: Biology

Outline the evolution of the human lineage between 8 and 2 Mya.

Outline the evolution of the human lineage between 8 and 2 Mya.


Expert Solution

Answer) 8 mya = in this time period first gorilla evoloved then they diverge into different linages. Like chimpanzees and human.

5.8 MYA =Orrorin tugenensis, oldest human ancestor thought to have walked on two legs.

5.5 MYA = ardipithecus shared many characteristics with chimps and gorilla and thought to live in forest dewlling

4 MYA = Australopithecine evicted and their brain was similar to that of chimpanzees volume of 400 500cm2 but walk upright and lived in Savannah.

3.2 MYA lucy was the first Australopithecine Afrinces lived in Ethiopia.

2.7 MYA paranthropus lived in wood and grasslands and have massive jaws for chewing food.

2.5 MYA

Homo habilis appears. Its face protrudes less than earlier hominids, but still retains many ape features. Has a brain volume of around 600 cm3

Hominids start to use stone tools regularly, created by splitting pebbles for eating food and meat .

2 MYA.Evidence of Homo ergaster, with a brain volume of up to 850 cm3, in Africa

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