In: Economics
john stuart mills (20 may 1806 - 7 may 1873 )he was usally called as J.S MILLS,was an english philosopher,political economist,and civil servent,one of the most influential thinkers in the history of liberalism ,he contributed widely to social theory,political theory,and political economics.Mill was a proponents of utilitarianism, an ethical theory developed by his predecessor Jeremy bentham. He contibuted to the investigation of scientific methodology,through his knowledge of the topic was based on the writing of others,notable William whewell,John herschel,and Auguste comte,and research carried out of mills by Alexender bain.he engaged in written debates with whewell.
A member of the Liberal party and the author of the early feminist work "the subjection of women,Mills was also the second member of parliment to call for women's suffrage after henry hunt in 1832.
Mills joined the debate over scientific method which followed on from john herschel's 1830 publication of a preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy,which incorprated inductive reasoning from the known to unknown, discovering general laws in specific facts and verifying these laws empirically.