
In: Statistics and Probability

Cruise Speed of Selected Piston Aircraft (n = 55, k = 4) Obs Mfgr/Model Cruise Year...

Cruise Speed of Selected Piston Aircraft (n = 55, k = 4)
Obs Mfgr/Model Cruise Year TotalHP NumBlades Turbo
1 Cessna Turbo Stationair TU206 148 1981 310 3 1
2 Cessna 310 R 194 1975 570 3 0
3 Piper 125 Tri Pacer 107 1951 125 2 0
4 Maule Comet 115 1996 180 2 0
5 Cessna P210 186 1982 285 3 0
6 Piper Dakota 147 1979 235 2 0
7 Cessna 1825 Skylane 140 1997 230 3 0
8 Cessna 421B 234 1974 750 3 0
9 Cessna T210K 190 1970 285 3 1
10 Piper Super Cab 100 1975 150 2 0
11 Cessna 337G Skymotor II 170 1975 420 2 0
12 Piper Seneca V 174 1997 440 2 0
13 Mooney M20C 156 1965 200 2 0
14 Beech Baron 58P 241 1984 650 3 0
15 Piper Archer III 129 1997 180 2 0
16 Cessna 172 R Skyhawk 122 1997 160 2 0
17 Cessna T303 Crusader 190 1983 500 3 1
18 Piper Seneca III 180 1982 440 3 1
19 Piper Saratoga II TC 186 1998 300 3 1
20 Cessna Turbo Skylane RG 159 1979 235 2 1
21 Mooney 231 170 1982 210 2 1
22 Beech Sierra 141 1972 360 2 0
23 Piper Malibu Mirage 213 1998 350 3 0
24 Lancair Columbia 300 191 1998 310 3 0
25 Bellanca Super Viking 161 1973 300 2 0
26 Cessna 172 RG Cutlass 129 1982 180 2 0
27 Beech Duchess 164 1982 360 2 0
28 Piper Aztec F 191 1980 500 2 0
29 Cessna Cardinal 124 1970 180 2 0
30 Beech Baron D55 199 1968 570 2 0
31 Sky Arrow 650 TC 98 1998 81 1 0
32 Cessna 414A 223 1985 620 3 0
33 Cessna U206H 143 1998 300 3 0
34 Cirrus SR20 160 1999 200 3 0
35 Cessna 152 107 1978 110 2 0
36 Mooney Eagle M205 175 1999 244 2 0
37 Socata TB20 Trinidad 163 1999 250 2 0
38 Rockwell Commander 114 151 1976 260 2 0
39 Piper Malibu Mirage 215 1989 350 2 1
40 Piper Turbo Lance 176 1979 300 2 1
41 Cessna 182Q Skylane 144 1977 230 2 0
42 Beech Baron 58 200 1984 600 3 0
43 Cessna 170B 104 1953 145 2 0
44 Beech Bonanza B36 TC 174 1982 300 3 1
45 Mooney Ovation 2 M20R 188 2000 280 2 0
46 Extra Extra 400 235 2000 350 4 1
47 AMD CH 2000 100 2000 116 2 0
48 Piper Satatoga SP 148 1980 300 2 0
49 Cessna Turbo Skylane T182T 160 2001 235 3 1
50 Piper Seneca V 186 2002 440 3 1
51 Tiger AG-5B 143 2002 180 2 0
52 Diamond C1 Eclipse 140 2002 125 2 0
53 OMF Aircraft Symphony 128 2002 160 2 0
54 Liberty XL-2 132 2003 125 2 0
55 Piper 6X 148 2004 300 3 0

Variable Names: Year = year of manufacture, Cruise = best cruise speed (knots indicated air speed) at 65%-75% power, TotalHP = total horsepower (both engines if twin), NumBlades = number of propeller blades, Turbo = 1 if turbocharged, 0 otherwise

Using Cruise as the response variable and the other variables as predictor variables, use Minitab to perform the necessary regression calculations. Write a concise report answering the following questions. Insert tables and graphs in your report as appropriate.

1.      Use Minitab to perform multiple regression.   Use Cruise as the dependent variable, and the other variables, (Year, TotalHp, NumBlades, and Turbo) as predictor variables.

2.      Is multicollinearity a problem? Support your answer.

3.      Is the model significant? Support your answer. What does this tell you?

4.      Find the sample regression equation and interpret the coefficients in terms of the problem.

5.      Find and interpret the coefficient of determination.

6.      Test each regression coefficient for significance and interpret the results.

7. Which variable is the indicator (dummy) variable? Give and compare the sample regression equations for both levels of the dummy variable.

8.      Give a 95% confidence interval for average cruise speed for all airplanes manufactured in 1990, with 600 horsepower, 3 blades, and turbocharged. Interpret your interval. Give and interpret a 95% prediction interval using the same values.

9.      Examine the residual plots and discuss.


Expert Solution

Calculations are done using Minitab:

1. The regression equation is
cruise = - 697 + 0.393 year + 0.179 HP + 8.83 blades + 16.0 turbo


Correlations: year, HP, blades, turbo

year HP blades
HP -0.154

blades 0.180 0.491
0.190 0.000

turbo 0.030 0.096 0.388
0.829 0.485 0.003

Cell Contents: Pearson correlation

So, turbo and blades, HP and blades are slightly correlated, but correlation is less than 0.5. Hence, Multicollinearity won't be much of a problem here.


Analysis of Variance

Source   DF SS MS F P
Regression 4 54233 13558 41.40 0.000
Residual Error 50 16375   328
Total 54 70608

As, p value is 0.000 < 0.05, the model is significant. Hence, the independent variables are affecting the response significantly.


cruise = - 697 + 0.393 year + 0.179 HP + 8.83 blades + 16.0 turbo

for one year increase, other remaining same, cruise speed increases about 0.393 unit

for unit HP increase, other remaining same, cruise speed increases about 0.179 unit

for one blade increase, other remaining same, cruise speed increases about 8.83 unit

for presence of turbo, other remaining same, cruise speed increases about 16 unit

5. 0.768 is the coefficient of determination.

Hence, 76.8% of the variance is explained by the model.


Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant -696.9 393.3 -1.77 0.083
year 0.3927 0.1991 1.97 0.054
HP 0.17871 0.01949 9.17 0.000
blades 8.827 5.753 1.53 0.131
turbo 15.975 6.296 2.54 0.014

Hence, at 10% level of significance, all the variables, except blades is significant.

7. Turbo is the indicator variable. Presence of a turbo increases the speed by 16 unit on an average, given others remain same

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