Show that the following two vector fields are conservative and find associated scalar potentials. (a) F...

Show that the following two vector fields are conservative and find associated scalar potentials.
(a) F = 2ρsin(2φ) ρ + 2ρcos(2φ) φ + k
(b) F = (2r cos2 φ + sinθ cosφ) r + cosθ cosφ θ − [r(sin(2φ)/sinθ) + sinφ] φ

In: Advanced Math

Question 3(a): When customers arrive at Cool's Ice Cream Shop, they take a number and wait...

Question 3(a):
When customers arrive at Cool's Ice Cream Shop, they take a number and wait to be called to purchase ice cream from one of the counter servers. From experience in past summers, the store's staff knows that customers arrive at a rate of 150 per hour on summer days between 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., and a server can serve 1 customer in 1 minute on average. Cool's wants to make sure that customers wait no longer than 10 minutes for service. Cool's is contemplating keeping three servers behind the ice cream counter during the peak summer hours.
(i) Will this number be adequate to meet the waiting time policy?
(ii) What will be the probability that 3 to 4 customers in Shop?
(iii) In winter season, arrival rate of customer is reduced to half from 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. What decision should be taken by the owner according to cost cutting point of view?
Question 3(b):
Analysis of arrivals at a PSO gas station with a single pump (filler) has shown the time between arrivals with a mean of 10 minutes. Service times were observed with a mean time of 6 minutes.
(i) What is the probability that a car will have to wait?
(ii) What is the mean number of customers at the station?
(iii) What is the mean number of customers waiting to be served?
(iv) PSO is willing to install a second pump when convinced that an arrival would expect to wait at least twelve minutes for the gas. By how much the flow of arrivals is increased in order to justify a second booth?

In: Advanced Math

Explain Fishers Exact Test ? Difference between BLUE and BLUP ? Different properties of BLUP

Explain Fishers Exact Test ?

Difference between BLUE and BLUP ? Different properties of BLUP

In: Advanced Math

Do I need to know where on the dart board the 3, 1, 5 cm darts...

Do I need to know where on the dart board the 3, 1, 5 cm darts landed to obtain precision and accuracy?

For the data and calculation for this lab report assume that a dart was thrown at bullseye 3 times with the aim of hitting the middle, the 3 distance from the middle obtain where 3cm, 1cm, and 5cm. Calculate the average, the percent error and discuss in your lab report and emphasize on the accuracy vs precision part

In: Advanced Math

1. Evaluate the double integral for the function f(x,y) and the given region R. R is...

1. Evaluate the double integral for the function f(x,y) and the given region R.

R is the rectangle defined by -2  x  3 and 1   y  e4

2. Evaluate the double integral

   f(x, y) dA

for the function f(x, y) and the region R.

f(x, y) =

x3 + 9

; R is bounded by the lines

x = 1, y = 0, and y = x.

3. Find the average value of the function f(x,y) over the plane region R.

f(x, y) = xy; R is the triangle bounded by y = x, y = 2 - x, and y = 0

4. Verify that y is a general solution of the differential equation and find a particular solution of the differential equation satisfying the initial condition.

y =

x2 − C



= −2xy2;  y(0) = 7

In: Advanced Math

A factory has three machines capable of producing widgets. All three machines together can produce 191...

A factory has three machines capable of producing widgets. All three machines together can produce 191 widgets per hour. Machine A and machine B together can produce 129 widgets per hour, while machine A and machine C can together produce 137 widgets per hour. How many widgets per hour can each machine produce?

A factory has three machines capable of producing widgets. All three machines together can produce 242 widgets per hour. Machine A and machine B together can produce 142 widgets per hour, while machine A and machine C can together produce 167 widgets per hour. How many widgets per hour can each machine produce?

Three kinds of tickets were sold for a concert. Child tickets cost $5, adult tickets cost $15, and student tickets cost $10. A total of 122 tickets were sold, bringing in a total of $1430. If the number of student tickets sold was three times the number of child tickets sold, how many tickets of each type were sold?

Three kinds of tickets were sold for a concert. Child tickets cost $5, adult tickets cost $15, and student tickets cost $10. A total of 134 tickets were sold, bringing in a total of $1735. If the number of student tickets sold was three times the number of child tickets sold, how many tickets of each type were sold?

Three kinds of tickets were sold for a concert. Child tickets cost $5, adult tickets cost $15, and student tickets cost $10. A total of 124 tickets were sold, bringing in a total of $1610. If the number of student tickets sold was three times the number of child tickets sold, how many tickets of each type were sold?

Three sizes of soft drink are sold at a festival. The large (24 oz) is sold for $3, the medium (16 oz) for $2, and the small (10 oz) for $1. 789 drinks are sold bringing in a total of $1563. If a total of 13048 oz of soft drink was sold, how many of each size drink was sold?

In: Advanced Math

A volume is described as follows: 1. the base is the region bounded by x =...

A volume is described as follows:

1. the base is the region bounded by x = − y 2 + 16 y + 5 and x = y 2 − 30 y + 245 ;

2. every cross section perpendicular to the y-axis is a semi-circle. Find the volume of this object.

In: Advanced Math

Prove: Let A be an mxm nonnegative definite matrix with rank(A)=r Then there exists an mxr...

Prove: Let A be an mxm nonnegative definite matrix with rank(A)=r Then there exists an mxr matrix B having rank of r, such that A=BBT

In: Advanced Math

1. (15 pts) Is the matrix A =   1 0 1 0 1 1...

1. (15 pts) Is the matrix A =   1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 2   diagonalizable? If yes, find an invertible matrix P and a diagonal matrix Λ such that P −1AP = Λ.

In: Advanced Math

Example 1.8. Fix a domain D, and let V be the set of all functions f(t)...

Example 1.8. Fix a domain D, and let V be the set of all functions f(t) defined
on D. Define addition and scalar multiples as with polynomials for all t ∈ D:

(f + g)(t) = f(t) + g(t)
(cf)(t) = cf(t)

Then V is a vector space as well, the axioms are verified similarly to those for Pn.

Verify that V in the previous example satisfies the axioms for a vector space.

In: Advanced Math

14. Extra Credit: Cayley’s Theorem is an important one in advanced algebra. It says that “Every...

14. Extra Credit: Cayley’s Theorem is an important one in advanced algebra. It says that “Every algebraic group is isomorphic to some permutation group.” Demonstrate this to be true by finding a permutation group (Sn, ∘ ) that is isomorphic to (ℤ3, +) for some n.

In: Advanced Math

(a)Show that S = {a+b √ 5 | a, b ∈ Q} is a subring of...

(a)Show that S = {a+b √ 5 | a, b ∈ Q} is a subring of the real numbers (with the usual + and × of real numbers). Explain why S is a field.

(b) Prove that if r is an element of a ring R and r 3 = 0, then 1 − r is a unit in R.

(c) Write down all the nilpotent elements of Z24, stating the index of nilpotence in each case. Verify the statement in part (b) holds in Z24.

In: Advanced Math

(ii) The market consists of the following stocks. Their prices and number of shares are as...

(ii) The market consists of the following stocks. Their prices and number of shares are as follows: Stock Price Number of Shares Outstanding A $10 100,000 B 20 10,000 C 30 200,000 D 40 50,000 (a) What is the percentage increase in the market if a S&P 500 type of measure of the market (value-weighted average) is used? b. The price of Stock C doubles to $60. What is the percentage increase in the market if a S&P 500 type of measure of the market (value-weighted average) is used? c. Repeat question (b) but use a Value Line type of measure of the market (i.e., a geometric average) to determine the percentage increase. d. Suppose the price of stock B doubled instead of stock C. How would the market have fared using the aggregate measures employed in (b) and (c)? Why are your answers different?

In: Advanced Math

Determine the probability of selecting a three person committee consisting only of Americans from a pool...

Determine the probability of selecting a three person committee consisting only of Americans from a pool of 12 British people and 18 Americans.

What is the probability of flipping a coin 4 times and getting exactly 1 tails or exactly 1 head?

Name the counting method you would use for each situation, then calculate the number of arrangements.

How many passwords are possible when Uppercase letters, Lowercase letters and number are available to choose from, repetition is allowed, and the password must be 5 digits long? (There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.)

How many different 5 player basketball teams is it possible to create when there are 26 players to choose from?

In: Advanced Math

Solve the Cauchy-Euler equation x4y'''' - 4x2y'' + 8xy' - 8y = 12xlnx x > 0

Solve the Cauchy-Euler equation

x4y'''' - 4x2y'' + 8xy' - 8y = 12xlnx

x > 0

In: Advanced Math