Show that radical 3, radical 5, radical 7, radical 24, and radical 31 are not rational...

Show that radical 3, radical 5, radical 7, radical 24, and radical 31 are not rational numbers

In: Advanced Math

Consider the initial value problem given below. y'=x+4cos(xy), Y(0)=0 Use the improved​ Euler's method subroutine with...

Consider the initial value problem given below.

y'=x+4cos(xy), Y(0)=0

Use the improved​ Euler's method subroutine with step size h=0.3 to approximate the solution to the initial value problem at points x= 0.0,0.3,0.6.....3.0

In: Advanced Math

4. (Applying LU and LUP decompositions) In this problem, we'll use the LU/LUP decomposition to solve...

4. (Applying LU and LUP decompositions) In this problem, we'll use the LU/LUP decomposition to solve a linear system of equations.

a) For A = [12 -8 13 -1 13;14 11 -5 -5 -7;1 -8 -9 10 8;-11 10 -8 3 8;-11 -8 4 2 -4] find matrices P, L, and U so that PA = LU using Matlab's lu function. Based on your results: did Matlab use pivoting during the lu-computation?

b) For b = [4;-4;-5;3;7] solve Ax = b using the LU decomposition as follows. Solving Ax = b is the same as solving PAx = Pb. (With P from a). Since PA = LU, we need to solve LUx = Pb, and we can split that into two triangular systems as follows: Ly = Pb, and Ux = y. Solve both of these systems using Matlab's linsolve, state x and y explicitly.

c) Compare the quality of the x you found in b to the solution of Ax = b you get from using linsolve. (As in 2d, work with the differences Ax - b).

d) You want so solve Ax = b for various vectors b, so you collect them into a single matrix B. So your goal is to find a matrix X so that AX = B (one column in X for each column in B). Working with P, L, and U from parts a/b we see that this amounts to solving two systems: LY = PB and UX = Y. For B = [18 -7 -14 10 -14 -2 13 12 -15 -15;-15 -14 4 -2 13 -16 15 -3 -15 14;3 12 -10 -17 2 19 -17 17 15 5;-1 -8 6 -11 20 -20 -4 -13 3 -6;-20 1 8 17 -17 11 -10 -10 2 1] solve these two equations using Matlab's linsolve.

First find Y in LY = PB, and then use that to find X in UX = Y. Check that AX - B is close to the zero matrix.

For this last problem, work with format short (or even format compact) so that the matrices don't use up too much screenspace.

In: Advanced Math

2. (Solving linear systems) Consider the linear system Ax = b with A =[14 9 14...

2. (Solving linear systems)

Consider the linear system Ax = b

with A =[14 9 14 6 -10;-11 -11 5 8 6;15 -2 -14 8 -15;14 13 11 -3 -7;0 9 13 5 -14], and . b = [-4;8;6;0;10].

a) Verify that the linear system has a unique solution. Hint: use rref, rank, det, or any other Matlab method. Briefly explain the answer please.

You'll now solve Ax = b in three different ways. Store the three different solutions in four different variables (x1,x2,x3,x4, say), we need to compare them in parts c and d.

b1) Using rref, determine the solution x of the system Ax = b, and store it in variable x1. Hint: x1 is the final column of the reduced row echelon form of M = (A|b). Remember horzcat.

b2) Using Matlab's linsolve method, find a solution to the system Ax = b. Store the solution in x2.

b3) Using Matlab's inverse method (^(-1) or inv), solve the system as x = A^(-1)b, store the result in x3.

b4) Use the rref method from class to find an inverse matrix B of A. Use that to calculate x = Bb. Store the result in x4.

c) Compare the solutions x1, x2, x3,x4. Do any two of them agree? Does that contradict a) or not?

d) Try ranking the solutions by quality. To do so, compute Ax-b, for the various values of x, and see which x produces the smallest difference between Ax and b.

In: Advanced Math

Q: (LU decomposition) Find the LU decomposition of A = [-3 2 5 1; 12 -4...

Q: (LU decomposition) Find the LU decomposition of A = [-3 2 5 1; 12 -4 -20 -2; -6 0 15 1; -9 6 35 4]. You can use the compact method which works within a single matrix or you can build L and U separately. State L and U explicitly, and verify (in Matlab) that A = L*U. Hint: Matlab's built-in lu function isn't useful, since it pivots.

In: Advanced Math

Q- A manufacturer of outdoor clothing makes wax jackets and trousers. Each jacket requires 1 hour...

Q- A manufacturer of outdoor clothing makes wax jackets and trousers. Each jacket requires 1 hour to make, whereas each pair of trousers takes 40 minutes. The materials for a jacket cost $32 and those for a pair of trousers cost $40. The company can devote only 34 hours per week to the production of jackets and trousers, and the firm’s total weekly cost for materials must not exceed $1200. The company sells the jackets at a profit of $12 each and the trousers at a profit of $14 per pair. Market research indicates that the firm can sell all of the jackets that are produced, but that it can sell at most half as many pairs of trousers as jackets.

  1. A- How many jackets and trousers should the firm produce each week to maximize profit?

b- Due to the changes in demand, the company has to change its profit margin on a pair of trousers. Assuming that the profit margin on a jacket remains at $12 and the manufacturing constraints are unchanged, find the minimum and maximum profit margins on a pair of trousers which the company can allow before it should change its strategy for optimum output.

In: Advanced Math

I am asked to find the square roots using the bisection method for x * x...

I am asked to find the square roots using the bisection method for x * x - a = 0.

I was wondering how the bisection method is performed.

Let's suppose a = 9, so I would need to find the roots of x * x - 9 = 0.

Also, from the 1st equation, when would the bisection method NOT output a root?

In: Advanced Math

Solve the initial value problem dy/dx = −(2x cos(x^2))y + 6(x^2)e^(− sin(x^2)) , y(0) = −5...

Solve the initial value problem dy/dx = −(2x cos(x^2))y + 6(x^2)e^(− sin(x^2)) , y(0) = −5

Solve the initial value problem dy/dt = (6t^5/(1 + t^6))y + 7(1 + t^6)^2 , y(1) = 8.

Find the general solution of dy/dt = (2/t)*y + 3t^2* cos3t

In: Advanced Math

Let φ : G1 → G2 be a group homomorphism. (abstract algebra) (a) Suppose H is...

Let φ : G1 → G2 be a group homomorphism. (abstract algebra)

(a) Suppose H is a subgroup of G1. Define φ(H) = {φ(h) | h ∈ H}. Prove that φ(H) is a subgroup of G2.

(b) Let ker(φ) = {g ∈ G1 | φ(g) = e2}. Prove that ker(φ) is a subgroup of G1.

(c) Prove that φ is a group isomorphism if and only if ker(φ) = {e1} and φ(G1) = G2.

In: Advanced Math

The base of a right pyramid is a regular hexagon with sides of length 10 m....

The base of a right pyramid is a regular hexagon with sides of length 10 m. The altitude is 5 m. Find the total surface area of the pyramid. The area is _______m2.

In: Advanced Math

A 100 gallon tank initially contains 10 gallons of fresh water. At t=0 a brine solution...

A 100 gallon tank initially contains 10 gallons of fresh water. At t=0 a brine solution containing 1 pound of salt per gallon is poured into the tank at the rate of 4 gal/min., while the well-stirred mixture leaves the tank at the rate of 2 gal/min. Find the amount of salt in the tank at the moment of overflow.

Enter answer as numerical decimal correct to two decimal places. pounds.

In: Advanced Math

Show that, for each of the following fields, it is impossible to define an order relation...

Show that, for each of the following fields, it is impossible to define an order relation ≤ that would make it an ordered field: (a) The set {0, 1} with addition and multiplication modulo 2. (b) The field of complex numbers.

In: Advanced Math

Boise Lumber has decided to enter the lucrative prefabricated housing business. Initially, it plans to offer...

Boise Lumber has decided to enter the lucrative prefabricated housing business. Initially, it plans to offer three models: standard, deluxe, and luxury. Each house is prefabricated and partially assembled in the factory, and the final assembly is completed on site. The dollar amount of building material required, the amount of labor required in the factory for prefabrication and partial assembly, the amount of on-site labor required, and the profit per unit are as follows.

Standard Model Deluxe Model Luxury Model
Material $6,000 $8,000 $10,000
Factory Labor (hr) 240 220 200
On-Site Labor (hr) 180 210 300
Profit $3,400 $4,000 $5,000

For the first year's production, a sum of $8,200,000 is budgeted for the building material; the number of labor-hours available for work in the factory is not to exceed 209,000 hr; and the amount of labor for on-site work is to be less than or equal to 243,000 labor-hours. Determine how many houses of each type Boise should produce to maximize its profit from this new venture.

standard model     houses
deluxe model     houses
luxury model     houses

In: Advanced Math

how do you solve tan(theta)-sin(theta)=.25?

how do you solve tan(theta)-sin(theta)=.25?

In: Advanced Math

Identify the following groups: (a) 〈a, b: a4 = b2 = 1, bab = a3〉 (b)...

Identify the following groups:

(a) 〈a, b: a4 = b2 = 1, bab = a3

(b) 〈a, b : a3 = b2 = (ab)2 = 1〉

(c) 〈a, b, c : abc = bca = cab〉
(d) 〈a,b : aba−1 = b2, bab−1 = a2

In: Advanced Math