find the eigenvalues of x"+(lambda)(x) = 0, x(0)=x'(pi)=0

1a.) find the eigenvalues of x"+(lambda)(x) = 0, x(0)=x'(pi)=0
1b.) Solve ut=((c)^2)u(xx) , u(0,x)= alpha * sin x, with the boundary condition u(t,0)=u(t,pi)=0
1c.) Solve ut = u(xx), u(0,x) = alpha * sin ((pi*x)/(L)), with the boundary condition u(t,0) = u(t,L) = 0.

In: Advanced Math

Consider the second-order differential equation x2y′′+(x2+ax)y′−axy=0 where a=−2 Is x0=0 a singular or ordinary point of...

Consider the second-order differential equation x2y′′+(x2+ax)y′−axy=0 where a=−2 Is x0=0 a singular or ordinary point of the equation? If it is singular, is it regular or irregular? Find two linearly independent power series solutions of the differential equation. For each solution, you can restrict it to the first four terms of the expansion

In: Advanced Math

Solve ODE (3x - 2y + 1)dx + (-2x + y + 2)dy = 0 with...

Solve ODE (3x - 2y + 1)dx + (-2x + y + 2)dy = 0 with the method of x =u + h and y = v + k

In: Advanced Math

A teacher puts 10,000 lolly pops into a chest weighing 10 pounds and drops it down...

A teacher puts 10,000 lolly pops into a chest weighing 10 pounds and drops it down a well. A group of students are trying to get the lolly pops out the well. A student decided to attach to the chest a 100 ft long chain weighing 10 pounds. Several other students, at the top of the well, start lifting the chest out of the well by pulling on the chain in a hand over hand fashion. As the chest is being lifted, lolly pops fall from an opening in the chest at a constant rate such that the chest will be empty when it reaches the top of the well. Given that an individual lolly Pop weight 0.6 ounces, find the work done in raising the chest to the top of the well. Show integration steps.

In: Advanced Math



Let l be a line and let P be a point not on l.

Prove that there exists a line m through P such that m is parallel to l but l and m do not admit a common perpendicular

In: Advanced Math

(6) Define a binary operation ∗ on the set G = R^2 by (x, y) ∗...

(6) Define a binary operation ∗ on the set G = R^2 by (x, y) ∗ (x', y') = (x + x', y + y'e^x)

(a) Show that (G, ∗) is a group. Specifically, prove that the associative law holds, find the identity e, and find the inverse of (x, y) ∈ G.

(b) Show that the group G is not abelian.

(c). Show that the set H= (x*x=e) is a subgroup of G.

In: Advanced Math

A professor gives two types of quizzes, objective and recall. He plans to give at least...

A professor gives two types of quizzes, objective and recall. He plans to give at least 15 quizzes this quarter. The student preparation time for an objective quiz is 15 minutes and for a recall quiz 30 minutes. The professor would like a student to spend at least 5 hours (300 minutes) preparing for these quizzes above and beyond the normal study time. The average score on an objective quiz is 7,and on a recall type 5, and the professor would like the student to score at least 85 points on all quizzes. It takes the professor one minute to grade an objective quiz, and 1.5 minutes to grade a recall type quiz. How many of each type should he give in order to minimize his grading time?

In: Advanced Math

Find the inverse of the matrix A= 2 -1 3 0 1 1 -1 -1 0

Find the inverse of the matrix

2 -1 3

0 1 1

-1 -1 0

In: Advanced Math

A mass of 1 slug, when attached to a spring, stretches it 2 feet and then...

A mass of 1 slug, when attached to a spring, stretches it 2 feet and then comes to rest in the equilibrium position. Starting at t = 0, an external force equal to f(t) = 10 sin(4t) is applied to the system. Find the equation of motion if the surrounding medium offers a damping force that is numerically equal to 8 times the instantaneous velocity. (Use g = 32 ft/s2 for the acceleration due to gravity.)

x(t) = ____________ft

In: Advanced Math

​Explain why most folks say that alcohol concentration decays linearly until the alcohol concentration decays to...

​Explain why most folks say that alcohol concentration decays linearly until the alcohol concentration decays to the level at which no one cares.​

In: Advanced Math

11. (6 Pts.) Show that if we split any 11 numbers in 5 sets, then there...

11. (6 Pts.) Show that if we split any 11 numbers in 5 sets, then there exists one set that contains a subset such
that the sum of its elements is a multiple of 3.

In: Advanced Math

Vectors p1 = [10 2] and p2 = [2 15] are represented in o1x1y1 coordinate frame....

Vectors p1 = [10 2] and p2 = [2 15] are represented in o1x1y1 coordinate frame. Translate o1x1y1 by t = [30 1]T and rotate by 45 to obtain o2x2y2. Is the dot product of p1 and p2 same in o1x1y1 and o2x2y2?

I believe o1x1y1 and o2x2y2 are the pair of vectors before and after the translation and rotation

In: Advanced Math

How many ways can a gardener plant five different species of shrubs in a circle? What...

How many ways can a gardener plant five different species of shrubs in a circle? What is the answer if two of the shrubs are the same? What is the answer if all the shrubs are identical?

In: Advanced Math

Use separation of variables to solve uxx+2uy+uyy=0, u(x, 0) = f(x), u(x, 1) = 0, u(0,...

Use separation of variables to solve uxx+2uy+uyy=0, u(x, 0) = f(x), u(x, 1) = 0, u(0, y) = 0, u(1, y) = 0.

In: Advanced Math

Each short-answer question below can be answered with a few sentences. 2. A colleague of yours...

Each short-answer question below can be answered with a few sentences.

2. A colleague of yours is faced with testing a relationship at the .05 level or significance or the .01 level of significance. What is your advice to your colleague? Why?

3. A colleague of yours has made a decision to decrease the sample size because of limited funding. What should they expect to happen to the probability of uncovering statistically significant findings in their research? Why?

4. What information is provided by calculations of the “chi-square” test statistic?

5. What information is provided by calculations of the “t” test statistic?

In: Advanced Math