In: Computer Science
The functions are tested in the following main():
def recSum1(somelist): if len(somelist) == 1: return somelist[0] else: a = recSum1(somelist[:len(somelist)//2]) b = recSum1(somelist[len(somelist)//2:]) return a + b def recSum2(somelist): if len(somelist) == 1: return somelist[0] else: return somelist[0] + recSum2(somelist[1:])
import random def main(): N = 100 myList = [random.randint(-500, 500) for i in range(N)] print(myList) print("The sum of the numbers is: " + str(sum(myList))) print("The sum of the numbers using recSum1 is: " + str(recSum1(myList))) print("The sum of the numbers using recSum2 is: " + str(recSum2(myList))) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
1. Using the recSum1() function as a template, create a recursive function that will find the minimum value of the values in a list. The minimum value is the smaller of minimums of the two halves. You will need to modify the main to test your new function.
2. Create a recursive function that will compute xn, (x to the nth power) where n is an integer. If n is an integer, then the xn can be defined as:
This means that, if you compute recursive x to the half of n, then the answer is that result times itself if n is even, or the answer is that result times itself times x if n is odd.
Problem 1:
The following is the code for above question. It involves the concept of divide and conquer where we can reduce the time complexity to log n.
def find_min(l,left,right,min): #here left and right indicates the positions of elements in the list
if left==right: #if left and right elements are equal
if min>l[right]:
return min
if right-left==1:
if l[left]<l[right]: # If the element at left is less than the element at right
if min>l[left]:
if min>l[right]: # If min is greater the element at the right of list
mid=(left+right)//2 #mid is nothing but the element at half of the list
a=find_min(l,left,mid,min) #find the min for the first half of the list
b=find_min(l,mid+1,right,min) #find the min for the last half of the list
if a>b: #compare minimum among a and b
return min #return min
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Problem 2:
The following is the code for above question. It also involves the concept of divide and conquer.
def power(x,n):
if n==0: #if n is 0, return 1 i.e any number power 0 is 1
return 1
if x==0: #if any number is 0, then result will be 0. i.e 0 power anything is 0
return 0
if n%2==0: # if power is even, then the answer is that result times itself
return power(x*x,n//2)
else: #else, n is odd, then answer is that result times itself times x
return x*power(x*x,n//2)
if __name__=="__main__":
print("The result x^n is: "+str(p)) #print the result
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