
In: Accounting

The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods:...

The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods:

Current assets as of March 31:
Cash $


Accounts receivable $


Inventory $


Building and equipment, net $


Accounts payable $


Common stock $


Retained earnings $


The gross margin is 25% of sales.

Actual and budgeted sales data:

March (actual) $ 60,000
April $ 76,000
May $ 81,000
June $ 106,000
July $ 57,000

Sales are 60% for cash and 40% on credit. Credit sales are collected in the month following sale. The accounts receivable at March 31 are a result of March credit sales.

Each month’s ending inventory should equal 80% of the following month’s budgeted cost of goods sold.

One-half of a month’s inventory purchases is paid for in the month of purchase; the other half is paid for in the following month. The accounts payable at March 31 are the result of March purchases of inventory.

Monthly expenses are as follows: commissions, 12% of sales; rent, $3,300 per month; other expenses (excluding depreciation), 6% of sales. Assume that these expenses are paid monthly. Depreciation is $909 per month (includes depreciation on new assets).

Equipment costing $2,500 will be purchased for cash in April.

Management would like to maintain a minimum cash balance of at least $4,000 at the end of each month. The company has an agreement with a local bank that allows the company to borrow in increments of $1,000 at the beginning of each month, up to a total loan balance of $20,000. The interest rate on these loans is 1% per month and for simplicity we will assume that interest is not compounded. The company would, as far as it is able, repay the loan plus accumulated interest at the end of the quarter.


Using the preceding data:

1. Complete the following schedule:

2. Complete the following:

3. Complete the following cash budget:

4. Prepare an absorption costing income statement for the quarter ended June 30.

5. Prepare a balance sheet as of June 30.

Complete the following schedule:

Schedule of Expected Cash Collections
April May June Quarter
Cash sales $45,600
Credit sales 24,000
Total collections $69,600

Complete the following:

Merchandise Purchases Budget
April May June Quarter
Budgeted cost of goods sold $57,000 $60,750
Add desired ending merchandise inventory 48,600
Total needs 105,600
Less beginning merchandise inventory 45,600
Required purchases
Budgeted cost of goods sold for April = $76,000 sales × 75% = $57,000.
Add desired ending inventory for April = $60,750 × 80% = $48,600.
Schedule of Expected Cash Disbursements—Merchandise Purchases
April May June Quarter
March purchases $27,300 $27,300
April purchases 30,000 30,000 60,000
May purchases
June purchases
Total disbursements

Complete the following cash budget: (Cash deficiency, repayments and interest should be indicated by a minus sign.)

Shilow Company
Cash Budget
April May June Quarter
Beginning cash balance $8,500
Add collections from customers 69,600
Total cash available 78,100
Less cash disbursements:
For inventory 57,300
For expenses 16,980
For equipment 2,500
Total cash disbursements 76,780
Excess (deficiency) of cash available over disbursements 1,320
Total financing
Ending cash balance

Prepare an absorption costing income statement for the quarter ended June 30.

Shilow Company
Income Statement
For the Quarter Ended June 30
Cost of goods sold:
Selling and administrative expenses:

Prepare a balance sheet as of June 30.

Shilow Company
Balance Sheet
June 30
Current assets:
Total current assets
Total assets
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity
Stockholders' equity:
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity


Expert Solution

Sales Budget
April May June Total
Sales                76,000                81,000              106,000              263,000
Cash Sales - 60%                45,600                48,600                 63,600              157,800
Credit Sales - 40%                30,400                32,400                 42,400              105,200
Answer 1.
Schedule of Expected Cash Collections
April May June Total
Cash Sales                45,600                48,600                 63,600              157,800
Credit Sales                24,000                30,400                 32,400                86,800
Total cash Collections                69,600                79,000                 96,000              244,600
Answer 2.
Merchandise Purchase Budget
April May June Total
Budgeted Cost of Goods Sold - 75% of Sales                57,000                60,750                 79,500              197,250
Add: Ending Inventory                48,600                63,600                 34,200                34,200
Total Needs              105,600              124,350              113,700              231,450
Less: Beginning Inventory              (45,600)              (48,600)              (63,600)              (45,600)
Required Purchases                60,000                75,750                 50,100              185,850
Schedule of Expected Cash Disbursements - Merchandise Purchases
April May June Total
Cash Payment
March Purchases                27,300                27,300
April Purchases                30,000                30,000                60,000
May Purchases                37,875                 37,875                75,750
June Purchases                 25,050                25,050
Total Cash Payment to Suppliers                57,300                67,875                 62,925              188,100
Selling & Admn. Budget
April May June Total
Sales Comm. - 12% of Sales                  9,120                   9,720                 12,720                31,560
Rent (Fixed)                  3,300                   3,300                   3,300                   9,900
Other Expense - 6% of Sales                  4,560                   4,860                   6,360                15,780
Depreciation                      909                      909                       909                   2,727
Total                17,889                18,789                 23,289                59,967
Schedule of Cash payments of Selling & Admn. Budget
April May June Total
Sales Comm. - 12% of Sales                  9,120                   9,720                 12,720                31,560
Rent (Fixed)                  3,300                   3,300                   3,300                   9,900
Other Expense - 6% of Sales                  4,560                   4,860                   6,360                15,780
Total                16,980                17,880                 22,380                57,240
Answer 3.
Cash budget
April May June Total
Beginning cash Balance                  8,500                   4,320                   4,565                   8,500
Add: Cash Collection                69,600                79,000                 96,000              244,600
Total Cash available                78,100                83,320              100,565              253,100
Less: Cash Disbursements
For Inventory                57,300                67,875                 62,925              188,100
For Expenses                16,980                17,880                 22,380                57,240
For Equipment                  2,500                          -                            -                     2,500
Total Cash Disbursement                76,780                85,755                 85,305              247,840
Cash Balance Closing                  1,320                (2,435)                 15,260                   5,260
Add: Finance from Bank                  3,000                   7,000                10,000
Less: Payment to Bank                         -                            -                (10,000)              (10,000)
Less: Payment of interet - Bank loan                         -                            -                      (230)                    (230)
Net Cash Balance Closing                  4,320                   4,565                   5,030                   5,030
Income Statement
For the Qtr Ending June 30
Sales              263,000
Cost of Goods Sold - 75% of sales              197,250
Gross Margin                65,750
Less: Selling & Administration Expense
Sales Comm. - 12% of Sales                31,560
Rent (Fixed)                  9,900
Other Expense - 6% of Sales                15,780
Depreciation                  2,727                59,967
Operating Profit                   5,783
Less: Interest Expenses                      230
Net Income                   5,553
Balance Sheet
As on June 30
Current Assets
Cash                  5,030
Accounts receivables                42,400
Inventory                34,200                81,630
Fixed Assets
Building & Equipment ($121,200 + $2,500)              123,700
Less: Dep.                (2,727)              120,973
Total Assets              202,603
Accounts Payable                25,050
Total liabilities                25,050
Shareholders's Equity
Common Stock              150,000
Retained Earnings                27,553
Total Stockholders equity              177,553
Total liabilities & Stockholders' Equity              202,603                          -  
Schedule of Retained Earnings
As on June 30
Opening Balance                22,000
Add: net income                   5,553
Less: Dividend declared                          -  
Closing Balance                27,553

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The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods: Current assets as of March 31: Cash $ 9,000 Accounts receivable $ 26,000 Inventory $ 48,600 Building and equipment, net $ 109,200 Accounts payable $ 29,175 Common stock $ 150,000 Retained earnings $ 13,625 The gross margin is 25% of sales. Actual and budgeted sales data: March (actual) $ 65,000 April $ 81,000 May $ 86,000 June $ 111,000 July $ 62,000 Sales are...
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The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods:...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods: Current assets as of March 31: Cash $ 7,800 Accounts receivable $ 21,200 Inventory $ 41,400 Building and equipment, net $ 130,800 Accounts payable $ 24,675 Common stock $ 150,000 Retained earnings $ 26,525 The gross margin is 25% of sales. Actual and budgeted sales data: March (actual) $ 53,000 April $ 69,000 May $ 74,000 June $ 99,000 July $ 50,000 Sales are...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods:...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods: Current assets as of March 31: Cash $ 7,800 Accounts receivable $ 21,200 Inventory $ 41,400 Building and equipment, net $ 130,800 Accounts payable $ 24,675 Common stock $ 150,000 Retained earnings $ 26,525 The gross margin is 25% of sales. Actual and budgeted sales data: March (actual) $ 53,000 April $ 69,000 May $ 74,000 June $ 99,000 July $ 50,000 Sales are...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods:...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods: Current assets as of March 31: Cash $ 8,400 Accounts receivable $ 23,600 Inventory $ 45,000 Building and equipment, net $ 123,600 Accounts payable $ 26,925 Capital stock $ 150,000 Retained earnings $ 23,675 The gross margin is 25% of sales. Actual and budgeted sales data:    March (actual) $ 59,000 April $ 75,000 May $ 80,000 June $ 105,000 July $ 56,000   ...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods:...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods: Current assets as of March 31: Cash $ 8,900 Accounts receivable $ 25,600 Inventory $ 48,000 Building and equipment, net $ 111,600 Accounts payable $ 28,800 Common stock $ 150,000 Retained earnings $ 15,300 The gross margin is 25% of sales. Actual and budgeted sales data: March (actual) $ 64,000 April $ 80,000 May $ 85,000 June $ 110,000 July $ 61,000 Sales are...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods:...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods: Current assets as of March 31: Cash $ 7,700 Accounts receivable $ 20,800 Inventory $ 40,800 Building and equipment, net $ 129,600 Accounts payable $ 24,300 Common stock $ 150,000 Retained earnings $ 24,600 The gross margin is 25% of sales. Actual and budgeted sales data: March (actual) $ 52,000 April $ 68,000 May $ 73,000 June $ 98,000 July $ 49,000 Sales are...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods:...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods: Current assets as of March 31: Cash $ 8,900 Accounts receivable $ 25,600 Inventory $ 48,000 Building and equipment, net $ 111,600 Accounts payable $ 28,800 Common stock $ 150,000 Retained earnings $ 15,300 The gross margin is 25% of sales. Actual and budgeted sales data: March (actual) $ 64,000 April $ 80,000 May $ 85,000 June $ 110,000 July $ 61,000 Sales are...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods:...
The following data relate to the operations of Shilow Company, a wholesale distributor of consumer goods: Current assets as of March 31: Cash $ 7,300 Accounts receivable $ 19,200 Inventory $ 38,400 Building and equipment, net $ 124,800 Accounts payable $ 22,800 Common stock $ 150,000 Retained earnings $ 16,900 The gross margin is 25% of sales. Actual and budgeted sales data: March (actual) $ 48,000 April $ 64,000 May $ 69,000 June $ 94,000 July $ 45,000 Sales are...