In: Chemistry
Normal vibration is that vibration where all the component atoms oscillate harmonically with the same frequiency and same frequency.A non linear molecule,like methylene dichloride CH2Cl2 (C2v), containing N atoms can have 3N-6 fundamental or normal modes of vibration.Vibrational modes and fundamental frequencies of CH2Cl2 are shown below-
Vibrational modes Symmetry Fundamental frequencies(in cm-1)
1 C-H
symmetric stretching vibration A1
2 CH2
bending vibration A1 1434.15
CCl symmetric stretching vibration A1 712.9
4 CCl2
bending vibration A1 281.5
torsional vibration A2 1153 (inactive)
6 C-H
symmetric stretching vibration B1 3055
7 CH2
rocking vibration B1 898.66
8 CH2
wagging vibration B2 1268..86
9 CCl
symmetric stretching vibration B2 759.82