
In: Statistics and Probability

Isabel is the name of a girl with a prodigious ability for languages ​​and accents. She...

Isabel is the name of a girl with a prodigious ability for languages ​​and accents. She has demonstrated that she is able to speak Spanish with a Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, Mexican, Colombian, Venezuelan, Argentine, and Spanish accent. In addition to communicating in French, Italian, Mandarin and Portuguese. The most surprising thing is that she can move from one to the other in the same conversation without transition. Assume that you develop a 12-sentence paragraph and ask Isabel to present it using a different accent or language for each sentence.

a) In how many different ways is Isabel capable of exposing that paragraph?

b) Assuming that all possibilities are equally probable, what is the probability that Isabel begins with speaking Spanish (any accent) and ends with some European language?


Expert Solution


Given that:

Isabel is the name of a girl with a prodigious ability for languages ​​and accents. She has demonstrated that she is able to speak Spanish with a Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, Mexican, Colombian, Venezuelan, Argentine, and Spanish accent.

Number of different accents or languages that lsabel knows = 8+4=12

a)  In how many different ways is Isabel capable of exposing that paragraph?

Number of different ways in which lsabel is capable of exposing that 12 sentence paragraph = 12!

Number of different ways in which lsabel is capable of exposing that 12 sentence paragraph = 479,001,600

b) Assuming that all possibilities are equally probable, what is the probability that Isabel begins with speaking Spanish (any accent) and ends with some European language?

The required probability =

The required probability =

The required probability = 0.00758

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