
In: Statistics and Probability

A study of bone density on 5 random women at a hospital produced the following results....

A study of bone density on 5 random women at a hospital produced the following results.

Age 33 41 57 61 65
Bone Density 355 345 340 320 315

Step 2 of 3:

Estimate the correlation in words: positive, negative, no correlation.

Step 3 of 3:

Calculate the correlation coefficient, r. Round your answer to three decimal places.


Expert Solution

Solution :

X Y XY X^2 Y^2
33 355 11715 1089 126025
41 345 14145 1681 119025
57 340 19380 3249 115600
61 320 19520 3721 102400
65 315 20475 4225 99225
n 5
sum(XY) 85235.00
sum(X) 257.00
sum(Y) 1675.00
sum(X^2) 13965.00
sum(Y^2) 562275.00
Numerator -4300.00
Denominator 4659.61
r -0.9228
r square 0.8516
Xbar(mean) 51.4000
Ybar(mean) 335.0000
SD(X) 12.2898
SD(Y) 15.1658
b -1.1388
a 393.5328

Step 2 :


Step 3 :

the correlation coefficient, r = -0.923

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