
In: Computer Science

C++ OOP Provide a user-friendly way to enter expressions to be evaluated. Please add a comment...

C++ OOP Provide a user-friendly way to enter expressions to be evaluated. Please add a comment explaining each step of your program. Make a program to evaluate infix arithmetic expressions containing integer operands and the operators + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division) and pairs of parentheses, properly nested. Use the following two-stack algorithm (by E. W. Dijkstra): If the next token in the expression is an integer, push the integer onto the value stack. If the next token in the expression is an operator, If the operator stack is empty or the priority of the operator is greater than the priority of the operator at the top of the operator stack, push the operator onto the operator stack. Otherwise pop an operator and two integers; push the result of applying that operator to those integers onto the value stack. Then decide again what to do with the operator at the next token. If the token in the expression is a left parenthesis, push it onto the operator stack. If the next token in the expression is a right parenthesis: pop an operator and two integers; push the result of applying that operator to those integers onto the value stack. Continue until the top of the operator stack is a left parenthesis. Then pop the left parenthesis and ignore the right parenthesis. At the end of the expression, operators are popped off and evaluated (popping the operands and pushing the results) until the operator stack is empty At this point, the operand stack should have exactly one number in it – the result of the evaluation of the expression.


Expert Solution

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find precedence of 
// operators.
int precedence(char op){
    if(op == '+'||op == '-')
    return 1;
    if(op == '*'||op == '/')
    return 2;
    return 0;
// Function to perform arithmetic operations.
int applyOp(int a, int b, char op){
        case '+': return a + b;
        case '-': return a - b;
        case '*': return a * b;
        case '/': return a / b;
// Function that returns value of
// expression after evaluation.
int evaluate(string tokens){
    int i;
    // stack to store integer values.
    stack <int> values;
    // stack to store operators.
    stack <char> ops;
    for(i = 0; i < tokens.length(); i++){
        // Current token is a whitespace,
        // skip it.
        if(tokens[i] == ' ')
        // Current token is an opening 
        // brace, push it to 'ops'
        else if(tokens[i] == '('){
        // Current token is a number, push 
        // it to stack for numbers.
        else if(isdigit(tokens[i])){
            int val = 0;
            // There may be more than one
            // digits in number.
            while(i < tokens.length() && 
                val = (val*10) + (tokens[i]-'0');
            // right now the i points to 
            // the character next to the digit,
            // since the for loop also increases 
            // the i, we would skip one 
            //  token position; we need to 
            // decrease the value of i by 1 to
            // correct the offset.
        // Closing brace encountered, solve 
        // entire brace.
        else if(tokens[i] == ')')
            while(!ops.empty() && != '(')
                int val2 =;
                int val1 =;
                char op =;
                values.push(applyOp(val1, val2, op));
            // pop opening brace.
        // Current token is an operator.
            // While top of 'ops' has same or greater 
            // precedence to current token, which
            // is an operator. Apply operator on top 
            // of 'ops' to top two elements in values stack.
            while(!ops.empty() && precedence(
                                >= precedence(tokens[i])){
                int val2 =;
                int val1 =;
                char op =;
                values.push(applyOp(val1, val2, op));
            // Push current token to 'ops'.
    // Entire expression has been parsed at this
    // point, apply remaining ops to remaining
    // values.
        int val2 =;
        int val1 =;
        char op =;
        values.push(applyOp(val1, val2, op));
    // Top of 'values' contains result, return it.
int main() {
    cout << evaluate("10 + 2 * 6") << "\n";
    cout << evaluate("100 * 2 + 12") << "\n";
    cout << evaluate("100 * ( 2 + 12 )") << "\n";
    cout << evaluate("100 * ( 2 + 12 ) / 14");
    return 0;



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