
In: Computer Science

The third task is to further refine the program so that it uses a loop to...

The third task is to further refine the program so that

  1. it uses a loop to keep asking the user for numbers until the user gets the correct number.

HINT: You need functions eight from the sample code (see previous activity).


Please use Netbeans to revise your NumberGuessGame program to satisfy the above requirements. Please submit a print screen of your successful code including the Output window with the "Build Successful" message to this assignment.


Expert Solution


import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
class guessnum
   public static void main(String[] args)
       Random random=new Random();/*Random object*/
       int randnum=random.nextInt(100)+1;/*Random number between 1 to 100*/
       int guess=0;/*Declaring variable*/
       Scanner scnr=new Scanner(;/*Scanner object*/
       System.out.println("Guess the Number:");
       for(int i=0;guess!=randnum;i++)
           guess=scnr.nextInt();/*Reading users guess*/
           {/*If guess is greater than random*/
               System.out.println("Too High\nTry again!");
           else if(guess<randnum)
           {/*If guess is less than random*/
               System.out.println("Too Low\nTry again!");
           {/*If guessed correctly*/
               System.out.print("Congratulation you guessed the number");



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