In: Accounting
Given the following information, create a personal cash flow projection:
A. You earn $26.00 per hour in an hourly position.
B. You can expect to work
a. 28 hours per week from January through June
b. 20 hours per week from July through October
c. 16 hours per week November and December
d. The company is closed for holidays for the last week of December and first week of January; 0 hours per week for those 2 weeks
C. Your net pay is 85% of your gross pay
D. Your rent is $1,000 per month and includes utilities
E. Groceries are $400 per month
F. Transportation (car/bus/gas) is $90 per month
G. Clothing (purchase/cleaning) is $1,000 per year
H. Miscellaneous purchases are $500 per month
Provide the following: 1. Prepare a monthly cash flow showing
income and expenses 2. Can you save enough during the year to cover
one month of expenses? 3. How much can you reasonably spend on
entertainment (eating out, movies, concerts, theme parks, etc.) 4.
Is there a positive cash flow in each month? Or do you need to save
in some months to cover others? If so, which months are surplus,
and which are short? 5. What are 3 things you can do to increase
your income? 6. What are 3 things you can do to reduce your
expenses? 7. Can you live a reasonably comfortable life within the
financial boundaries set forth in the assignment? 8. How does your
situation change is you add in $300 of student loan payments per
Working notes
WN1 :Income earned in each month
Jan: 3 weeks*28h*$26*85%=$1856.4
February to June: 4 weeks*28h*$26*85%=$2475.2
July to october: 4 weeks*20h*$26*85%=$1768
November: 4 weeks*16h*$26*85%=$1414.4
December 3 weeks*16h*$26*85%=$1060.8
WN 2:Expenses for each month
Rent = $1000
Groceries =$400
Misc= $500
Total = $2073.33
Income = $1856.4
Expenses = $2073.33
Net cash flow =($216.93)
Income = $2475.2
Expenses = $2073.33
Net cash flow = $401.87
Income = $1768
Expenses = $2073.33
Net cash flow =($305.33)
Income = $1414.4
Expenses = $2073.33
Net cash flow =($658.93)
Income = $1060.8
Expenses = $2073.33
Net cash flow =($1012.53)
Net cashflow during the year
January = ($216.93) = ($216.93)
Feb to june= $401.87*5 =$2009.35
July to oct =($305.33)*4 =($1221.32)
November = (658.93) =($658.93)
December =($1012.53) =($1012.53)
Total ($1100.36)
2.We cannot save enough during the year to cover one month of expenses
3.As there is negative cash flow at the end of the year we cannot reasonably spend on entertainmentetc
4.There is positive cash flow only in the month of feb,march,april,may, june and short in the months of jan,july,august,september,october,november and december
5.In order to increase the income
we have to increase the number of working hours,increase per hour rate,work maximum
6.To reduce expenses
Request the owner to reduce rent,Transportation cost,clothig etc should be reduced,grocery usage should be reduced
7.We cannot live a reasonably comfortable life within the financial boundaries set forth in the assignment as there is negative cash flow throughout the year except in few months
8.If we add $ 300 student loan there will be surplus of $ 101.87 in the months of feb to