In: Chemistry
A) Considering the molecule nitroethane, and the mentioned isotopes being present in the molecule one can deduce following statements for the nmr spectrum:
1) Assuming the 2J coupling being the strongest and largest in magnitude in the given compound, the coupling is not observed.
Also the peaks are variable and broad, appearing over a range from 0.5 to 4ppm
2) The 3J coupling being lesser in magnitude than 2J coupling is also not observed in the compound due to chemical exchange. The coupling here will behave as the protons being attached to the alpha position and may be observed over the range of 2-3ppm
3) Although the protons in the compound will couple, but under given condition where the 3J coupling between protons is weakest, we will observe the decreased coupling behavior between protons and the constant value may get reduced to 4-5 Hz meaning we won't get much refined peaks in the spectrum. The methylene protons attached to nitrogen will have chemical shift in the range of 2.2-2.9 ppm due to electronegative nitrogen atom, quartet peak of lower coupling constant will be observed here.
4) The methyl protons will observe at about 0.7 - 1.3 ppm and a triplet peak will be observed here due to adjacent methyl group of lower coupling constant value.