In: Economics
Assuming you are asking about USA.
There is famous saying that Health is Wealth so, medicare is a plays a very important function in a economy.
Major sources of funding for medicare:-
- Medicare is primarily funded through the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)
- Taxes from FICA goes to 2 trust funds that cover Medicare expenditures.
Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund - Basically provides funding for Medicare Part A. Part A covers beneficiaries for hospital services.
Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI) trust fund - basically provides funding for Medicare Part B and Medicare Part D. For Part B covers medical services for benefeciaries. Part D - partilly from SMI fund + partially from beneficiary premiums.
- Other Additional Sources for Medicare are -
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) was enacted in 1935 which ensures funding for both the Medicare and Social Security programs through payroll and income taxes.