
In: Economics

Question: Describe various policy measures taken by governments and Central Banks to deal with Corona Pandemic....

Question: Describe various policy measures taken by governments and Central Banks to deal with Corona Pandemic. How effective have been these policy measures, especially monetary and fiscal policies, in reducing the severity of the crisis? Take one or more countries as examples for your study. Provide data and analysis to support your answer. Direction: Please answer the question in detail. Support your answer with data and references as much as possible. Do not copy and paste. Write in your own words and provide references wherever applicable. Use economic terminologies as much as possible. Write legibly in complete sentences using correct English language. There is no page limit. (macroeconomic)


Expert Solution

  • Crown Pandemic is going on worldwide at various degrees.
  • It is leaving more effect on the economies than wellbeing.   
  • So as to diminish or conquer the test, governments and Central Banks of all the Corona endured nations are taking different arrangement measures.
  • The legislatures are executing expansionary monetary strategies.   
  • The administrations are expanding spending fundamentally.
  • They are spending colossal cash on arrangement of good medicinal services offices to crown endured individuals.
  • Furthermore, they are additionally giving fiscal assistance to individuals whose pay halted because of lockdown.   
  • For instance, Indian government is giving a few greater part of cash to low acquiring gatherings, individuals related with government improvement programs, country individuals, ladies and so on through their financial balances.
  • So as to decrease negative effect on the economy, Central Banks all through the nations additionally attempting their best.   
  • They additionally are executing expansionary money related strategies.
  • They are embracing different strategies so credit accessibility inside the economy doesn't lessen or whenever diminished then to a shallow level.
  • For instance, in Canada, the Bank of Canada is consistently bringing down its focused on for the time being rate.   
  • As of late, the focused on for the time being rate diminished to 0.25% in Canada.   
  • The expectation of taking this arrangement is that banks are enlivened to proceed with their advance exercises, utilization and speculation volume are kept up as pre-pandemic period.
  • In this strategic, and financial approaches are attempting somewhat.   
  • Due to expansionary financial approaches taken by the legislatures, utilization level is expanding somewhat.   
  • Once more, as a result of expansionary money related arrangements taken by the Central Banks, banking framework is attempting somewhat and this is helping the economies not to debase a lot.   
  • One thing is certain that financial framework is getting more diligently hit by the Corona pandemic than other part and the financial framework is the foundation of an economy to develop.
  • Thus, endeavor of the Central Banks to protect this part through expansionary financial arrangements is extensive achievement.
  • From this viewpoint, it tends to be summed up that fiscal strategies are working adequately in diminishing the seriousness of the emergency.

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