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I want answers in 60 minutes Design a CV for the job of a Physiotherapist at...

I want answers in 60 minutes

Design a CV for the job of a Physiotherapist at any hospital supposing an individual has completed DPT with an A grade and have 2 years of professional experience in the related field.

Your answer

Define the terms: Cohesion, Coherence, Skimming, Scanning

Your answer

You are the CEO of a company write a memorandum to your staff explaining the new software the company has purchased.

Your answer

What five major details should a person add while writing minutes of the meeting?


Expert Solution

Design a CV for the job of a Physiotherapist at any hospital supposing an individual has completed DPT with an A grade and have 2 years of professional experience in the related field.


Mob: 9999999999   Email: [email protected]

Personal Profile:

I am dedicated, kind and approachable Physiotherapist with a great passion for helping people of all ages. I have previous experience in supporting a variety of patients ranging from children suffering from development problems to adults and the elderly affected by and recovering from injuries and movement disorders. I have excellent communication skills, both written and oral, and I enjoy working with a variety of different people.

Education Details:


Qualification Degree















Relevant Modules of DPT:

· Foundations and Principles of Physiotherapy Practice

· Physical Activity and Exercise

· Therapeutic Practice and Modern Science

· Patient Management

· Functional Anatomy and Movement

· Integrated Clinical Management

Work Experience :

Year: 2 year

Desiganation: Physiotherapist

Hospital Name: xyz

Main duties performed:

· Providing physiotherapy assessment and treatment to both inpatient and outpatients by improving physical strength, cognition, mobility and quality of life in patients of all ages

· Evaluating, planning, and delivering bespoke physiotherapy plans to meet the needs of individual patients

· Being involved in a patient’s pre-admission and follow-up care

· Working with special needs infants and toddlers who are suffering from a variety of medical conditions such as cognitive development delay, low muscle tone, mobility impairment and developmental co-ordination disorder.

· Supporting patients recovering from surgery

· Assisting patients recovering from a wide range of accidents

· Supporting elderly people to increase their mobility and liaising with the Occupational Therapists to ensure that the patients have access to all the equipment, devices, and resources that they require

· Performing routine physical examinations and inspections

· Assisting the paediatric consultants with diagnosing certain diseases

· Maintaining a high standard of work and professionalism always


Ability to work with patients with a variety of diagnoses and need

Having a caring attitude when supporting patients during therapy session

Excellent ability to demonstrate different methods, actions, and positions

Hobbies and interests

I am an active member of my local substandard dramatic society and take part in a variety of plays throughout the year. Taking on this hobby has pushed me out of my comfort zone, allowed me to meet new people and boosted my confidence when dealing with other members of the public in my personal life and professional career.

Define the terms: Cohesion, Coherence, Skimming, Scanning

Cohesion: Cohesion is the structural and verbal linking within a text or sentence that holds a text together and gives it meaning.

Coherence: Coherence defines the way everything, such as an argument or part of an argument “hangs together.” If something has coherence, its parts are well-connected and all heading in the same direction. Without coherence, a discussion may not make sense. It’s an very important quality of being logical and consistent

Skimming: Skimming is reading fast to get a general overview of the material. While skimming says you what general information is within a section. Skimming is like snorkelling.

Scanning: Scanning is reading quickly to find exact facts. scanning helps you find an exact fact

scanning is more like pearl diving.

You are the CEO of a company write a memorandum to your staff explaining the new software the company has purchased.


To: All Staff of company

From: CEO of company

Date: 14/10/2020

Subject: Compulsory traning for new software

As you are all aware, we have recently adopted new software at the company. The decision was taken to improve our technique and make it more reliable and cost efficient. A training seminar will be held on 15 Oct 2020 at 9 am to explain the staff with the new software. This is done to make the conversion between the software as easy as possible. All staff of the company are mandatory to attend.

What five major details should a person add while writing minutes of the meeting?

Meeting minutes can be defined as the written record of everything that happen throughout the meeting. They are used to update people who didn’t attend the meeting about what happen during the meeting so that, you can revisit and use it to inform future decision.

There are five major steps involved with meeting minutes:

  1. Pre-Planning
  2. Record taking - at the meeting
  3. Minutes writing or transcribing
  4. Distributing or sharing of meeting minutes
  5. Filing or storage of minutes for future reference


A well-planned meeting helps confirm actual meeting minutes. If the Chair and the Secretary or minutes-taker work together to ensure the agenda and meeting are well believed out, it makes minute attractive much easier. For example, depending on the meeting structure and the tools you use, the minutes-taker could work with the Chair to create a document format that works as an agenda and minutes outline as well.

Record taking - at the meeting

At the time of meeting record all the important point for future use.

Minutes writing

Here are some tips after meeting is over, it’s time to pull together your notes and write the minutes.

· Try to write the minutes as soon after the meeting as possible while everything is fresh in your mind.

· Review your outline and if necessary, add additional notes or clarify points raised. Also check to ensure all decisions, actions and motions are clearly noted.

· In terms of mom format, here are a few things to keep in mind:

o Be objective

o Write in the same tense throughout

o Avoid using names other than to record motions and seconds.

o Avoid personal observations — the minutes should be solely fact-based

o If you need to refer to other documents, don't try to summarize them. Rather, simply indicate where they can be found or attach them as an appendix  

Distributing or sharing of meeting minutes

Online Sharing

The method of sharing or distribution will depend on the tools that you and your association use. If you use a paperless sharing process within minutes and other documentation can create a pile of paper. For example, if you are using a word processing tool (e.g., Microsoft Word) that doesn’t offer online sharing, you might want to create a PDF of the document and send this and the other attachments or meeting documentation via email. Alternately, if you are all using Google docs – for meeting invitations, agenda, and additional document sharing – you can simply “share” the document with that group once it has been finalized.

Sharing in the cloud

If your association is using a cloud-based membership management system, you can distribute the minutes as a web page and give access only to the committee or Board members, depending on your administration’s needs. Through members-only webpages, you can devlope a secure online Intranet for your Board and committees.

Filing or storage of minutes for future reference

At the beginning of the successive meeting most boards and Panels review and either approve or modify the minutes. Once you’ve made any essential revisions, the minutes will then need to be stored for future reference. Some administrations may store these online (e.g., in Google docs or SkyDrive) and back these up on an external hard drive. You may also necessity to print and store hard copies as well or deliver these to a staff member.

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