
In: Finance

A stock price is currently $50. Over each of the next two three-month periods, it is...

A stock price is currently $50. Over each of the next two three-month periods, it is expected to increase by 10% or fall by 10%. Consider a six month American put option with a strike price of $49.5. The risk free rate is 6%. Work out the the two step binomial option pricing fully and fill in the asked questions. (Work out using 4 decimals and then enter your answers rounding to two decimals without $ sign)

a) S0uu= Blank 1

b) ƒuu= Blank 2

c)  S0dd= Blank 3

d) ƒdd= Blank 4

e)  S0u= Blank 5

f) ƒu= Blank 6

g)  S0d= Blank 7

h) ƒd= Blank 8

i) Option price today (ƒ) = Blank 9

j) At which node will American put option exercised early? (Enter A, B, C or None) Blank 10


Expert Solution

Two Step Binomial Tree
r= risk free rate 6%
t= Length of time of a step=delta t 0.25 =3 months
S0= Current Stock Price 50
f= Current Price of an Option on the stock. 49.5
u= Upward Stock movement , u>1 1.1
d= Downward stock movement , d<1 0.9
Sou= Stock price after one up step 55 Ans e
Souu= Stock price after two up steps 60.5 Ans a
Sod= Stock price after one down step 45 Ans g
Sodd= Stock price after two down steps 40.5 Ans c
Sud = Stock Price after one step up & One step down 49.5
f= Option price today 2.882 as per calc =Ans i
fu= Payoff from option after one step up 0 as per calc =ans f
fuu= Payoff from option after two steps up 0 Ans b -option not exercised
fd= Payoff from option after one step down 4.5 =49.5-45 =Ans h
fdd= Payoff from option after two steps down 9 =49.5-40.5 Ans d
fud= Payoff from option after one step up & one step down 0 =49.5-49.5
Option Price at Step A Binomial Tree Step C
f=e^-2rt [ p^2*fuu + 2*p(1-p)*fud + (1-p)^2*fdd ] Suu 60.5
Step B fuu 0
where Su 55
p= (e^rt-d)/(u-d) fu
Step A Sud 49.5
S0 50 fud 0
Now p=(e^-0.06*0.25-0.9)/(1.1-0.9) F0 2.882
or p=0.42556
So Option price at step A= Sd 45
e^-0.06*2*0.25[0.42556^2*0+2*0.425568(1-0.42556)*0+(1-0.42556)^2*9] fd 4.5
=0.970446*2.969832 =2.882 Sdd 40.5
fdd 9
So f=2.882
Option Price at Sept B =
fu= e^-rT[p*fuu +(1-p)*fdd]
p= (e^rT-d)/(u-d)
Now fu=e^-0.06*0.25*[0.42556*0+(1-0.42556)*0]
or fu=0

So option should be exercised at Step C when the price in down 10% each step ---Ans j

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