
In: Biology

Why is it valuable for a mammal's body to concentrate urine as it is produced rather...

Why is it valuable for a mammal's body to concentrate urine as it is produced rather than simply having the concentration of solute the same in urine and blood?

*the answer isn't B

A. If the concentration of solute (and solvent) in urine and blood were the same, an animals would end up excreting lots of water, leading to dehydration
B. Urine needs to be concentrated in order to properly filter toxins from the blood.
C. If the concentration of solutes were higher in the urine than in the blood, water would be remved from the blood causing dehydration in the animal.
D. The concentration of solute in urine is the same as in blood.


Expert Solution

It is valuable for a mammal's body to concentrate urine as it is produced because if the concentration of solute in urine and blood were the same , an animal would end up excreting lots of water , leading to dehydration.

An normal healthy human body produces 180 Lt./day filtrate in kidneys and if it would not be concentrated , the body would lead up to dehydration and a reason of death as 180 lt. is a very huge amount.

It is also a reason why we are ureotelic and not ammonotelic as we have limited water resource to filter and excrete the toxins from the blood while the ammonotelic like fishes have unlimited amount of water to excrete the toxins.

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