
In: Statistics and Probability

ABC Company has decided to use 20 test markets to examine the sensitivity of demand for...

ABC Company has decided to use 20 test markets to examine the sensitivity of demand for its new product, Hand Sanitizer, to various prices, as shown in the following table.  Each market had approximately the same level of business activity and population.

Test Market Quantity sold (Thousands of Pens) Price Charged (cent)

1 20 50

2 21 50

3 19 55

4 18 60

5 20 60

6 14 65

7 16 65

8 20 70

9 12 70

10 14 80

11 12 70

12 10 70

13 14 65

14 16   90

15   18 45

16 16 70

17 20 65

18 12 80

19 18 70

20   10 50

Q.1. Using a linear regression model, estimate the demand function for ABC Company's new product, Hand sanitizer.

Q.2. Interpret the coefficient value of the independent variable of the estimated demand function.

Q.3. What will be the predicted/estimated sale for each price shown in column 2?

Q.4. Find the prediction interval at 95% for price of 70 cent.

Q.5. Interpret your prediction interval of Q.4.

Q.6. Conduct the hypothesis test at k=0.5:

            (a) Set the null and alternative hypothesis

            (b) Calculate standard deviation to calculate t-statistic

            (c) Calculate t-statistic

            (d) Find the critical value at k=.05 using the t-distribution table

            (e) State the decision rule and apply your critical value to test the hypothesis

            (f) Draw conclusion of your hypothesis test.

Q.7. Calculate the correlation coefficient for ABC Company.

Q.8. Find the value of coefficient of determination (r2).

Q.9. Interpret the coefficient of determination.


Expert Solution

Coeff SE t-stat lower t0.025(21) upper t0.975(21) Stand Coeff p-value VIF
b 14.961110 1.970633 7.592034 10.862955 19.059265 0.00000 1.88617e-7
X1 0.00914959 0.0320505 0.285474 -0.0575031 0.0758023 0.0285313 0.778078 1.000000


Predicted y


ANOVA table

Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Statistic P-value
(between ŷiand yi)
1 1.127786 1.127786 0.0814955 0.778078
(between yiand ŷi)
21 290.611344 13.838635
Total(between yiand yi)

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