
In: Computer Science

Using STL stack class, implement in C++ a function that checks for balanced braces { },...

Using STL stack class, implement in C++ a function that checks for balanced braces { }, in a given string / arithmetic expressions.


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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
        // declare variable to store expression
        string exp;

        // prompt user for input
        cout << "Enter an expression containg curly braces {}:  ";

        //read expression from user consisting of {} braces
        cin >> exp;

        // declare stl stack
        stack<char> stck;

        // variable to keep track if expression is balanced or not
        bool balanced = true;

        // evaluate expression
        int pos = 0;
        while (pos < exp.size())
                // if opening bracket, then push in stack
                if (exp[pos] == '{')
                else if (exp[pos] == '}')
                        // if closing bracket then stack top must be opening bracket
                        // if yes pop it, otherwise break with failure
                        if (!stck.empty() && == '{')
                                balanced = false;
        // show output
        cout << "Given expression " << exp << " is" << (balanced && stck.empty() ? " balanced" : " not balanced") << endl;

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