
In: Physics

(a) (i) What particles inside of an atom make the biggest contribution to its magnetic moment?...

(a) (i) What particles inside of an atom make the biggest contribution to its magnetic moment? (ii) What are the two types of angular momentum that are involved?

(b) You are given a “term” 3P. (i) What is it describing? (ii) What values are associated with it? (iii) Is it a type of coupling? If so what kind?

(c) ( What if you instead say 3P2? (i) What is this called? (ii) What is the meaning of the extra label?

(d) ( These correspond to electron configurations with 2 electrons in three p suborbital. (The usual notation with 2 arrows.) (i) Fill in the arrows (electrons) to give one configuration that is part of 3P term. (ii) Give a configuration that violates Pauli exclusion.


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