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Coming full circle and in the spirit of educational completions, Steve Job's 2005 commencement speech provides...

Coming full circle and in the spirit of educational completions, Steve Job's 2005 commencement speech provides some interesting and meaningful life perspectives. Do you believe his views have relevance for individual or business success in our increasingly globalized economy?

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Expert Solution

In the video Steve Jobs talks about three stories which definitely is of relevance for individual and business success.

In first story he talks about Connecting the Dots : He shares how he naively joined a college and ended up in a misery not being aware of what purpose the expensive college was serving for him. He dropped college , joined different classes to figure out that the Calligraphy was his area of interest which later lead to learning of the secrets of Typography. And finally the practical application of Typography was incorporated to the first Macintosh Computer, the first ever computer with mutliple type faces and proportionally spaced fonts . He explains that he developed Mac 10 years later after he learned typography and concludes that it is impossible to connect dots looking forward but it was very very clear looking backward - ten years later which lead to the development of Mac the first computer with Beautiful Typography. He says you have to trust something in your gut, destiny , karma and the dots will connect down the road tp give you the confidence to follow your heart.

In second story he talk about LOVE and LOSS : He says he founded early in age what he loved and founded apple at the age of 20 in his parents garage and hard work led to apple growth to a 2$ billion company in a span of mere 10 years. However , he was fired from his own company. He shares how he lost focus but how he battled to begin again , he replaced the Heaviness of being successfull with the lightness of being a beginner again . He utilised the time to be creative and started tow companies named NEXT and PIXAR, Pixar created WORLD'S FIRST Computer Animated feature film- Toy Story. And lately Apple bought Next, the technology of NEXT is the heart of Apples cuurent renaissance.

He says all this success was due to he being fired from Apple. He urges sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick, but one should not lose faith. Find what you love and it will keep you going. Work occupis the largest part of ones life and the onky way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.

Keep looking what you love to do and Don't settle.

Third story he talks about is death ; He says live each day like it's your last. The law of death teaches one to make big decisions keeping aside all external expectations , pride, fear of failurfe . He gteaches : Your time is limited, do not waste it living someone else's life. follow your heart and intitution ; they already know what you truly want to become.


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