In: Psychology
What is the value of leading health indicators? Have we seen improvement in some of these indicators over time?
To identify and cater to the needs related to health of individuals certain indicators known as Leading Health Indicators are used. Leading Health Indicators (LHIs), are selected to communicate high-priority health issues and actions that can be taken to address them.
Yes, we have seen an improvement in some of these indicators over time. The better health facilities, more opportunities to people suffering from diseases to avail services of the providers, more and more researches in the area of medicine, lowering the cost of medicines etc. are all adding to improve the health indicators over time.
In the past, with limited resources and the awareness among people to get benefitted from the medicines and other facilities, health indicators were poor and the life expectancy of persons was low. But now with the advent in science and technology and more awareness among people these indicators have improved.