In: Statistics and Probability
Sally measures the amount of CO2 in a pint soda bottle by weight loss; she shakes the bottle vigorously and then slowly opens the cap, letting the gas escape. Three measurements on Brand X indicate a loss of 2.2 ± 0.2 g of gas, while three measurements on Brand Y shows a loss 2.4 ± 0.3 g. (The ± indicates standard error.) Do Brands X and Y have different amount of CO2?
Here we are provided with the means(2.2 and 2.4 respectively) and the standard errors(0.2 and 0.3 respectively) of the measurements of CO2 in two types of pint soda bottle(viz, A and B). Now the amount of CO2 in a pint soda bottle is measured by weight loss after shaking them vigorously.
We are to test wheather the two brands A abd B have different amount of CO2 or not?
Thus the null hypothesis is stated as Ho:
vs the alternative H1:
denotes the poppulation mean of the co2 in soda A and soda B
The test statistics is given as: T=
and its sample analogy is:T*=
are known to us,
denotes the square of the standard errors of
T* follows a satndard normal distribution, and we are to reject the null hypothesis if |T*observed|> z0.025
where z0.025=1.96 and |T*observed| = 0.5547, thus we accept the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance and coonclude that the two brands A abd B have same amount of CO2 in it.