
In: Mechanical Engineering

create a questionaire that can be used to compile a report for the assignment below "The...

create a questionaire that can be used to compile a report for the assignment below

"The students are expected to visit any company of

their choice and find out how they do their

maintenance budget. Conduct interviews with va

rious levels of personnel. The student is

expected to present a typed three- pages report

(detailed report) toget

her with the completed

interview question with responses from

the company maintenance personnel.

Company maintenance budget must be attached to

the report. Proof of

authenticity must

accompany the material; a lette

r from the person/s interviewe

d or consulted will suffice".


Expert Solution

  • Initial step is to pick the organization you will contemplate. This is fairly the most troublesome assignment as you can't simply access the monetary articulations of enormous organizations. It is smarter to approach a littler however developing organization who might be glad to impart their data to you,albeit limited, since they too are searching for some publicity through you.
  • The best approach is experience a man you definitely know,if any, who works in the organization. In the event that that isn't the situation then you need to attempt a few endeavors to catch the consideration of the organization and give a feeling that you are earnestly keen on examining them for your task.
  • It would do great to experience the organization's site and internet based life profiles and follow them routinely and leave remarks on their posts.
  • They would react when you suggest conversation starters and when they do you, Grab the shot and ensure they understand that you would need to consider them and it is absolutely of scholarly interest.If they recognize, you can visit them and begin your investigation on a commonly convenient time.
  • On the off chance that they don't recognize, at that point discover in which better ways you can approach them.If it seems inconceivable, at that point abandon it and strive for an alternate organization.
  • Perception is the way to composing a write about the organization. Focus when you conversing with the faculty and furthermore when you are free watch precisely how they function and what they utilize. Don't pry, however be inconspicuous.  
  • When you take a gander at the premises itself,you can danger a figure with respect to what might they spend on maintainance.
  • Getting the support sheet or the letter wont be a concern.Companies for the most part volunteer for it themselves. On the off chance that they don't incline toward written,you could ask the work force you meet on the off chance that you could record the discussion for references while composing a report.

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