
In: Biology

Why is it more advantageous to use Edman degradation instead of Sanger’s sequencing method?

Why is it more advantageous to use Edman degradation instead of Sanger’s sequencing method?


Expert Solution

before discuusing advantages of edman degradation, let us have a look at the disadvantages of Sanger sequencing which are being taken care of by the edman process

Limitations of Sanger Sequencing

  • It can only be used to sequence short pieces of DNA, about 350 to 1000 base pairs
  • Quality of a Sanger sequence is not good in the initial bases because of primer binding
  • Also sequence quality degrades after 700 to 800 bases
  • If the DNA fragment was cloned before sequencing , the cloning vector sequence may be present in the final sequence.
  • Database is mandatorily required for identification of the protein sequence

Advantages of using Edman degradation

  • No sample pre-treatment required .
  • Identification possible for unknown proteins not registered in databases
  • Highly efficient to find the protein sequence
  • Can be used to sequence long pieces of DNA beyond 1000bp
  • It can differentiate even isobaric amino acids like Leu and Ile.

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