In: Chemistry
Define the followings.
(a) collision flux
(b) Stokes law
(c) Fick's second law
(d) Einstein-Smoluchowski equation
(e) half-life of a first-order reaction
(f) Forster theory of resonance energy transfer
(g) Mechaelis-Menten mechanism
a) Collision flux ;- The collision flux is defined as the number of collisions per unit area (A) and unit time (t) . And it is given as
Collision flux = Zw = N * ( k *T / 2 * pi * m )1/2
where N = number densiy of molecules .
k = Boltzmanns constant
b) Stokes law ;- The frictional force or the drag force exerted on a spherical particles with a small reynolds number in a viscous medium is known as the stokes law and it is given as
Fd = 6 * pi * n * R * V
where Fd is the frictional force – known as Stokes' drag – acting on the interface between the fluid and the particle.
n = dynamic viscosity
R is the radius of the spherical object
V is the flow velocity relative to the object.
c) Ficks second law ;- Ficks second law predicts how diffusion causes concentration to change with time . And it is given as
dC / dt = D *( d2C / dx2 )
where C = concentration of the diffusing species
t = time
D = diffusion coefficient
x = position or length
d) Einstein - Smoluchowski equation ;- It is given as
D = μ * kB * T
D is the diffusion constant;
μ is the "mobility", or the ratio of the particle's terminal drift velocity to an applied force, μ = vd / F;
kB is Boltzmann's constant;
T is the absolute temperature.
e) Half life of a first order reaction ;- For a first order reaction like A ------.> products
the rate is given as rate = k [A] where k is the rate constant and [A] is the concentration of the reacting species.
for a first order reaction the half life is independent of concentration .
half life or t1/2 = 0.693 / k.
f) Forster theory of resonance energy transfer ;- It is the mechanism describing energy transfer between two light-sensitive molecules or chromophores.
g) Mechaelis - menten equation ;- Michaelis-Menten equation is the equation describing the rate of enzymatic reactions by relating the reaction rate (v) to the [S] which is the concentration of a substrate (S).
And the equation is given by v = Vmax * [S] / (KM + [S])
where Vmax is the maximum rate achieved by the system at the saturating substrate concentration.
KM is the Michaelis constant which is the substrate concentration at which the reaction rate is half of Vmax.
Certain Bio-chemical reactions involving a single substrate are often assumed to follow the Michaelis-Menten equation.