
In: Economics

1. In 2020, the United States is at a similar crossroads to the 1890s and 1910s--should...

1. In 2020, the United States is at a similar crossroads to the 1890s and 1910s--should the nation continue shouldering the international responsibilities of being the world's only superpower, or should America scale back on its international commitments and responsibilities? Why or why not?


Expert Solution

Before stating anything regarding the present scenerio in the United States, lets have a glimpse of what happened in 1890s and 1910s.


In 1893, the USA faced one of its worst depression. The unemployment rate was more than 10% for nearly 5 to 6 years. The GNP decreased by 10% as per estimates. Before the nation was struck with depression it was booming. Its position improved internationally due to successful business venture, improved agriculture and exports till early 1982.

But latter part of 1982 witnessed decline in construction activities because of over building which in turn effected all sectors asssociated with it like raw materials industry, labour, capital, etc in negative way. Agriculture suffered because of strom, drought and over production in earlier years. All this lead to decline in investment thus, employment also declined.

Hard times made people more sensitive towards wide range of problems. Though liberal attitude was still dominating the nation but a tiltation was noticed towards government intervention with modern day ideologies. Government reponse towards the situation was not at all satisfactory yet they clearly understood the role of business in setting up of a strong economy. Moreover, the nation opted to remain in isolation and maintain neutral view point towards other nations.


In the 1910s the USA became world economic and political power with the help of trade and commerce.They took the help of money to prove their supremacyover others. Its supremacy brought negative publicity and in 1916 many of its citizens were killed in Mexico to gain its support. The USA was against being a part of WWI but with the continued death of its civilians in the war, the nation became a part of the war in 1917.

With its participation in the War, the nation came out stronger with a developed military force, stabilized economy and better railroads.


2020 is the year of pandamic. The USA is one of the worst hit nation of the world with more than 2 lakhs death till date. It recorded an unemployment rate of 14.70% in April 2020. It entered into recession due to the pandamic in its first two quarters.

Though the above statistics is problamatic yet it cannot do away with the responsibilities it is carrying due to the present economic scenereio which reflects the ideology of sharing. In todays globalized world it is impossible to stay away from responsibilities. The USA with its developed medical science and technology is a sign of hope for the world to fight the pandamic and bring the world back in order. Moreover, with good interpersonal relation the nation can prosper economically again in future.

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