
In: Biology

26. The surface water, ground water, ice and atmospheric water vapor make up the earth’s ______________________________________....

26. The surface water, ground water, ice and atmospheric water vapor make up the earth’s ______________________________________.

27. Bacteria that convert nitrates into nitrogen gas, thus allowing it to re-enter the atmosphere, in the process of _________________.

a. Ammonification

b. Nitrification

c. Denitrification

28. Eutrophication carries excess _______________________ and _____________________ from fertilizer run-off into waterways, with deleterious results.

a. Nitrogen and carbon

b. Nitrogen and phosphorus

c. Carbon and phosphorus

d. Sulfur and nitrogen

29. The element found in ALL organic matter and present in high levels in fossil fuels is _________________________.

a. Carbon

b. Nitrogen

c. Phosphorous

d. Sulfur

30. In the water cycle, water is taken into the atmosphere by:

a. Condensation and precipitation

b. Subsurface water flow

c. Surface runoff and snowmelt

d. Evaporation and sublimation

31. Most groundwater reservoirs, or _______________, are the source of drinking or irrigation water drawn up through wells.

32. The subtropical desert and the arctic tundra are similar in the fact that they both:

a. Have similar temperatures

b. Have frequent fires

c. Have low water supply

d. Have high biodiversity

33. The ___________________ is the most diverse biome, locates in the equatorial region, and characterized by abundant seasonal rainfall.

a. Arctic tundra

b. Tropical rainforest

c. Boreal rain forest

d. Temperate forest

e. Temperate grassland

f. Chaparral

g. Savanna

h. Desert

34. The scrub forest found in coastal California, along the Mediterranean Sea, and along the southern coast of Australia is known as the __________________________. It has dry summers and is adapted to periodic fires.

a. Arctic tundra

b. Tropical rainforest

c. Boreal rain forest

d. Temperate forest

e. Temperate grassland

f. Chaparral

g. Savanna

h. Desert

35. Frequently in the rain shadow of mountains, the ___________________ have low species diversity due to low and unpredictable rainfall.

a. Arctic tundra

b. Tropical rainforest

c. Boreal rain forest

d. Temperate forest

e. Temperate grassland

f. Chaparral

g. Savanna

h. Desert

36. You are snorkeling along the bottom of the ocean, looking for sand dollars and starfish lying on the sand. You are in the _________________________ realm or zone.

a. Aphotic

b. Neritic

c. Oceanic

d. Benthic

e. Intertidal

37. Phytoplankton and plants can be found in the horizontal __________________ zone of the ocean, the area where photosynthesis occurs.

a. Aphotic

b. Photic

c. Pelagic

d. Benthic

e. Oceanic

38. Marshes and swamps typically have a nearly continuous cover of emergent vegetation. These areas are also know as ___________________________, and help reduce the impacts from storms and floods.

a. Channel

b. Source water

c. Wetland

39. All of the earth’s open ocean is referred to as the _________________________ zone.

a. Aphotic

b. Photic

c. Pelagic

d. Benthic

e. Oceanic

40. Which of the following is NOT an example of ecosystem services?

a. Production of food and clean water

b. Climate control

c. Harvesting of crops

d. Crop pollination

e. Waste decomposition

41. True of False: Species are becoming extinct today at ever accelerating rates.


42. There were once many thriving ecosystems in the United States, from the coastal regions to the temperate forests to the prairies of the temperate grasslands. This is an example of ____________________ diversity.

a. Chemical

b. Genetic

c. Human derived

d. Ecosystem

43. The core threat to global biodiversity is considered to be:

a. Methane gas production by livestock

b. Over-farming of agricultural land

c. Human overpopulation

d. Over-fishing of marine species

44. Of the following four threats to biodiversity, which is just now starting to have an impact, and is predicted to have a much larger impact in this century?

a. Habitat loss

b. Anthropogenic climate change

c. Overharvesting

d. Introduction of foreign species

45. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of global warming?

a. Rising sea levels

b. Altered migratory pathways

c. An overabundance of saltwater and a shortage of freshwater

d. Extinctions due to starvation and habitat loss

e. All of them are potential consequences of climate change

46. Atmospheric carbon dioxide has reached never-before-seen levels due to fossil fuel combustion, and is often referred to as a ____________________________ gas.

47. Decimation of rain forests in order to plant palm oil is one of the causes of extinction that occurs due to ______________________ loss.

48. Which of the following statements concerning the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) treat of 1975 is false?

a. It requires each country to develop a maintenance plan fro threatened species

b. In only regulates international movement of threatened species or their parts

c. It depends upon the willingness of individual countries to investigate and enforce the restrictions

d. All of them are true

49. Mass extinction(s):

a. Have never happened but are predicted

b. Occurred once during the ice age

c. Have occurred five times

d. Occur approximately every 1000 years

50. Removal of dams and allowing the return of natural river flow is an example of habitat __________________.


Expert Solution

26) The answer will be 71% area.

Explanation: About 71% of earth's area is covered with water in various forms & remaining 29% consist of land. Of all water about 97% is saline & only 3% is fresh water.

27) The answer will be denitrification (Option c).

Explanation: During ammonification organic N is mineralized to NH4+ through decomposers. Nitrification is the process of transformation of ammonia or ammonium to nitrite. During denitrification nitrates are converted into nitrogen gas.

28) The answer will be nitrogen & phosphorus (Option b).

Explanation: Eutrophication happens when a water body is excessively enriched with nutrients. This cause excessive growth of plants & algae & ultimately deplete the dissolved oxygen amount, thus imbalance the ecology of the water body. The most common pollutants are nitrogen & phosphorus of fertilizer that run-off from an agricultural land & pollute the water body.

29) The answer will be carbon (Option a).

Explanation: Carbon & hydrogen are found in high amount in fossil fuel. Carbon also found in all organic matter.

30) The answer will be evaporation & sublimation (Option d).

Explanation: Water is moved into atmosphere as water vapor (gaseous form). Water can be transform into its gaseous form by evaporation & sublimation.

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