- Governance term is usually referred as the accountability in
the rules, transparency in work and also it is the process of
giving rightful things to the society.
- Governance covers all department such as government laws,
government of state, social systems governance, network governance
- Good governance is defined as the system which provides
awareness to the every part of society through the rules, laws to
provide opportunities which develops the society.
Corporate Governance
- Corporate governance is a type of governance which is used to
controlled the businesses by using laws and rules for the good
- Corporate governance also focus on the companies initial
development pillars such as stakeholders, customers, company
management, suppliers which helps the company to grow and also it
encounters external and the internal factors that affects companies
- Corporate governance sets various security standards to protect
the rules and laws for the organizations.
Information Security Governance
- Now a days security is measure concern for corporate world and
to keep security system strong it uses information security
- Information security governance system are using all it's tools
to ensure the security will meet the companies needs.
- To provide security to every organization information security
governance developed various rules that protect the organizations
information from the threats.