
In: Computer Science

Write a program to process weekly employee time cards for all employees of an organization. Each...

Write a program to process weekly employee time cards for all employees of an organization. Each employee will have three data items: an identification number, the hourly wage rate, and the number of hours worked during a given week. Each employee is to be paid time and a half for all hours worked over 40. A tax amount of 3.625% of gross salary will be deducted. The program output should show the employee’s number and net pay. Display the total payroll and the average amount paid at the end of the run.

Please do this code in the language C


Expert Solution

/* program to process weekly employee time cards for all employees of an organization*/
#include <stdio.h>
//structure is used to manage 3 dataparts of all employees in organization
struct emp {
char empid[50];
int wagerate;
int workhours;
} empdata[100];
int main()
   int num,i,payment,overtime,sum=0;                           //varible declarations
   float avg;
   struct    emp empdata[100];                                              

printf("Enter Number of Employees in Organization\n");           //prompt for asking number of employees
scanf("%d",&num);                                                       //read number of employees
for(i=1;i<=num;i++)                                               //using loop take data of all employees
    printf("Enter ID\n");
    scanf("%s",empdata[i].empid);                                       //read employee id
    printf("Enter Hourly wage Rate for %s \n",empdata[i].empid);
    scanf("%d",&empdata[i].wagerate);                                       //read employee wagerate
    printf("Enter Number Hours worked per week by %s \n",empdata[i].empid);
    scanf("%d",&empdata[i].workhours);                                       //read employee work hours
for(i=1;i<=num;i++)                                                   //loop to generate outputs for all employees
    printf("\nProcessing Payrolls .....\n");
    if (empdata[i].workhours>40)                                       //check employee done overtime then calculate payment
        payment=(overtime)*((empdata[i].wagerate)/2)+(empdata[i].workhours)*(empdata[i].wagerate); //calculate payment for employee id if workhours >40
           payment=(empdata[i].workhours)*(empdata[i].wagerate); //calculate payment for employee id if workhours <40
   printf("ID %s\t - \t Payment is \t%d\n ",empdata[i].empid,payment); //display employee id and net payement
printf("Total payroll %d \n ",sum);                                   //display final pay raoll amount
printf("Average amount paid per employee %f \n ",avg);           //display average payment per employee

return 0;

Note : enter less number of employess to enter less input .

Output :

Enter Hourly wage Rate for 1111
Enter Number Hours worked per week by 1111

Enter ID
Enter Hourly wage Rate for 2222
Enter Number Hours worked per week by 2222

Processing Payrolls .....
ID 1111 - Payment is 1000

Processing Payrolls .....
ID 2222 - Payment is 2000
Total payroll 3000
Average amount paid per employee 1500.000000

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