
In: Physics

Think of a Newtonian cradle made of only two marbles. These two marbles of masses m1...

Think of a Newtonian cradle made of only two marbles. These two marbles of masses m1 and m2 are each suspended by identical strings. The strings are initially both vertical so the marbles are touching each other when undisturbed. The marble with m1 is shifted away from the initial position until is reaching the height h1 while the length of the string does not change and then is set free to fall and collide with marble m2. What is the formula for the height which both marbles will reach after the collision if: a). The collision is elastic; b). The collision is inelastic; (c). What will be the heat developed during the collision in both cases?Hint: when the marbles collide, all vectors velocity are orientated along the same axis.


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